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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Create your own enum...
  2. This is what Minecraft is looking for, look at where you register their renders...
  3. Is it named this? ironfurnace_front_off or this ironfurnace_front_on...
  4. All ResourceLocations set the path to lower case so your blockstate JSON's need to be lower case.
  5. Two things post the log and don't extend BlockContainer instead extend Block and Override createTileEntity(IBlockAccess world, IBlockState state) and hasTileEntity(IBlockState state)
  6. What is the problem...
  7. Post your lang file.
  8. It will be in 1.11, but is not now My suspicion was this was your @Mod(modid="modparadox"...) but your path was assets.modParadox... and you were naming the path after your class name (your Main Class file should be ModParadox if you follow naming convention).
  9. Make your modid all lower case and change the modid in the path to all lower case.
  10. In eclipse it should have a little package icon inside the folder.
  11. Is resources a src folder in eclipse?
  12. Can I assume <mod> = to your modid in the @Mod annotation?
  13. Where did you put en_us.lang?
  14. You never kill the entity when the itemstack is null also instead of attacking the EntityItem with a damage source just call setDead().
  15. Try wrapping it in a !world.isRemote
  16. // A check if there is an Item if (container.getStackInSlot(i) != null) { } else // Check if there is not an item.
  17. setInventorySlotContents(...)
  18. You never do something it the itemstack is null...
  19. It is crtl + space in eclipse i beleive.
  20. You mean making a new class that extends EntityDragon with an @Override replacing the data on the EntityDragon's main body? It's that simple? No i meant the WorldProvider, but you could do the dragon files...
  21. You can fetch an array of all the player's usernames via the PlayerList like so: FMLCommonHandler.instance().getMinecraftServerInstance().getPlayerList().getAllUsernames() . He wants it to be client side only...
  22. Yeah, I know that, obviously I took the quotations out and put GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(ModItems.copper_coin, 5), new ItemStack(ModItems.silver_coin)); I didn't just copy what you wrote I know a moderate amount of Java, I've taken two HS Computer Science Courses and going to college for Software Development in 3 days, on top of this I've made several Java applications and mods before. I'm using Eclipse. I'm sorry you wouldn't believe how many people get on here and ask how to do something really "simple" and it turns out that they don't know Java or even any O-O Language.
  23. Tried changing it, doesn't change anything. That would have thrown all of the Errors the "" were there to highlight the object... How much Java do you know?/What IDE are you using?
  24. Nope, as mentioned before, the Silver Coin works perfectly, it's the copper coin that's the problem. GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(ModItems.copper_coin, 5), "ModItems.silver_coin"); // An Item and not an ItemStack GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack(ModItems.silver_coin , 5), "ModItems.gold_coin"); // Also an Item and not an ItemStack
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