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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Thoughbif you plan on making your own piping system learn more Java first otherwise it will be the most painful experience ever.
  2. What do () mean when they are right next to words...
  3. How much Java do you know?
  4. How many stacks does InventoryBasic have?
  5. In the armors class.
  6. stackTagCompound = someTag is when you use setTagCompound(). Everything else is getTagCompound (). I thought that would be obvious.
  7. I do not have a workspace in front of me, thus why i pointed you to an example.
  8. No the method has a ItemStack parameter.
  9. Look at BlockFurnace it uses that exact Property.
  10. How it looks on your body is completely different from how it looks in a gui. The GUI is handled by the JSON files I assume you made an item called plastic. Do it like that. The way it looks on your body is handled by the code itself getArmorTextureLocation() i thinknit is called.
  11. The last part is what i meant just thought i shoukd point it out.
  12. You should post your solution so other people can find it. Basically, I actually sat down and thought about what I wanted to do and realized the answer was surprisingly simple. Minecraft already implements a block listener: the one used by entity pathing. I through the WorldEvent.Load event, I add a new instance of IWorldEventListener. IWorldEventListener provides a method called notifyBlockUpdate which gets called every time a block changes (at least for my purposes, only when it matters). Through that method, I get access to a world instance, block pos and block state. From that, I just fetch the world server instance of my dimension and setblock at the right position. I have to manipulate the flags parameter in World#setBlockState, however, to ensure I don't cause infinite notification loops. That will defiantly work for blocks, but it will not work for TileEntities don't know if you wanted that, but just to let you know.
  13. The same way you would for a normal item.
  14. Look at the furnace it uses the enum direction.
  15. You need to call the super method, otherwise the position won't be saved as well as other data. *Edit I meant the super for readFromNBT
  16. The thing you are looking for is metadata, though I believe it is different from damage on a pickaxe or sword. And it is pretty similar to past versions.
  17. Though you should learn a bit of Java before continuing because otherwise you will have a hard time trying to create any generators or machines what ever it is.
  18. In eclipse press ctrl+shift+o i dont know what it is on intelij if you are using that, but it is an auto import shortcut.
  19. Updating the RF API is not that hard only some parameters in the methods need to be changed like ForgeDirection to EnumFacing.
  20. If i am correct your goal would be achived through overriding the vanilla end generation mainly the world provider. And if you were to post your code in bulk i recommend github. Though i am not asking you to post your code.
  21. Honestly it is not that hard and you could try IC2 though I don't know how easy that will bex and how simple installing/getting the source is.
  22. What are you doing plastic_layer_0 and 1 are completely different from the JSON. You need to make item textures the layers are the models texture.
  23. Remove plasticmod: in the first string.
  24. Do not use Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().getItemModelMesher(). Instead use ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(...) This is provided by forge as the vanilla on is kinda "broken" (it doesnt work how it is expected to). Also you will need to do it in preInit.
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