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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Use nested for loops to check what block is there though you will want to start from the center which can be a little tricky. for (int xOff = 0; xOff < radius; xOff++ { // Two more for loops with x and y... // Check all block positions //Do stuff }
  2. The answer you are looking for is you are not passing the right parameters, look in world at createExplosion it tells you the what each variable is. Also by formatted he means it kinda "cascades". public void example(int i) { if (i == 1) { i = 0; } }
  3. Post the solution was it the missing variant?
  4. Are you sure there is still no errors? The only thing I could think of is that you do not have the facing variants...
  5. Also isSkyColored(). *Edit and this @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public net.minecraftforge.client.IRenderHandler getSkyRenderer() { return this.skyRenderer; } Basically if "blank" return a different field that will render your sky otherwise it will always render the end sky as it is hardcoded.
  6. Woops didn't see the 1.8 sign... I was going off of 1.10.2... Where do you register the renders? Where is the blockstate JSON do you have one?
  7. createBlockState() doesn't return a BlockState it returns a BlockStateContainer, when you are overriding something always put the @Override annotation it helps a lot.
  8. When "blank" happens set hasNoSky to false.
  9. Wrong method hasTileEntity(IBlockState state) not hasTileEntity() Also remove getRenderType()
  10. When button is pushed switch a boolean. Then when boolean is true and or false which ever you decide make stuff render.
  11. Read the docs http://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/datastorage/capabilities/
  12. Your Collision bounding box is null. It can not be null or entities can not collide with it.
  13. Do not extend BlockContainer instead just override hasTileEntity(IBlockState state) and createTileEntity(IblockAccess world, IBlockState state.)
  14. You are fine to do that. As in it will not crash the game, but be aware that the server will default back to the super.
  15. It would allow you to check what stack was returned there with out taking any action and you should be able to call it from the field (assuming it is not private or protected and is initialized. If it is private or protected create a getter method for it).
  16. You could create a field of ItemStackHandler.
  17. How are you changing it, I feel the problem is that orientation is not synced between client and server... Look into DataWatcher
  18. Okay, I'll try. But do you have a reason, or just guessing. It seems to have exactly the same call hierarchy as EntityInteract does. I am just guessing as I do not know the exact call hierarchy of those events as I haven't messed around with them yet. Haven't really done much since 1.7.10 except the basics... I will try my best to help though.
  19. So where do you check the orientation?
  20. If you are using an IDE (hopefully you are and are not using something like notepad) just use your search feature and look for where the method is called. In this case getWoodType() is only ever called from within the leaves classes. Therefore it is not necessary unless some other mod uses it and doesn't check for null for some reason. So maybe just in case return something that works that is not null.
  21. You do not need to put anything there, just leave it as null and override all methods using that enum and use your own.
  22. Where does it ask for said enum type?
  23. Are you sure you are calling the right constructor?
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