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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. It's likely, because it's still there, but it's probably on the back burner.
  2. I assume you had been warned. That method accepts an endless number of arguments. Those arguments are your Block or item values.
  3. Please elaborate. Are they all still not appearing or only some not appearing? Is there anything in the console? Post your updated code. Preferably in a more readable format than before. There is a code "<>" button where you can put code of you can use the spoiler button that looks like an eye.
  4. You shouldn't use the MCreator program it doesn't produce good code, sometimes the code doesn't even work. Yes you would probably be better off starting over without MCreator.
  5. You're using Client only code on the server. You can't do that. For the love of god don't use MCreator.
  6. If you used ray tracing to represent the bullet, and didn't use an Entity at all. Your ray tracing would happen in a single tick before the target of the shooter could move. Long range shots would be instant. There would be no leading your shot.
  7. Technically yes, but it wouldn't allow for the target to move out of the way.
  8. That's because the bullet moves past the entity. It never collides because it was never actually in the same space as the entity. Ray Tracing is a way to ask the world if there is anything between point A and point B. If there is then you handle that accordingly.
  9. This is completely possible you have to use the CompoundNBT#put(String, INBT) method. There is no specific method for compounds or lists. Also ListNBT can be a list of CompoundNBT so you can store any and all data complex or simple.
  10. This is a Mod LifeCycle event. You'd typically have this in your @Mod class and have it registered in that classes constructor with FMLJavaModLoadingContext.get().getModEventBus().addListener(this::commonSetup);
  11. Yes. There are reasons such as LAN worlds, and the fact that they are on separate threads. Yes that is exactly what I mean. The DedicatedServer doesn't know about the Minecraft class at all. It doesn't exist. So using on a DedicatedServer will crash with a ClassNotFoundException.
  12. No no no don't do that. It will crash the dedicated server and you are reaching across logical sides. You need to send a packet and in the handling method of the packet you use Minecraft.getInstance().player.
  13. Check to make sure that the textures are in the built jar file. Also if it does turn out this is a bug you'll have to update from 1.13.2 to 1.14.4 as 1.13 was a in-between version of forge.
  14. You might also need to apply the rotations to the entity as well as passing them into the doRender method.
  15. Sorry my bad do your rendering in the Pre event. Don't know why I said Post.
  16. First off use PlayerRenderEvent.Pre instead. Cancel the event under your conditions then subscribe to the RenderPlayerEvent.Post and render the model there yourself.
  17. Animefan8888


    What I said should be pretty self explanatory. You have some static fields of EntityType you cant initialize them statically. Which means you cant do it inline when you declare it or in a static{}. So instead of doing it there you must do it in the registry events. If it has a Spawn Egg Associated with it you need to initialize your Entity Type in the same registry event where you register the spawn eggs. If it doesnt have a spawn egg associated with it initialize it where you register it.
  18. There is one, but it is for the Overworld specifically take a look at OverworldBiomeProviderSettings and OverworldBiomeProvider. You can also use your IDE to figure these things out. If you right click on a Class name and Click Open Type Hierarchy in eclipse it will show you the parent classes and child classes in a hierarchy.
  19. What version of forge do you have? Is it really old, have you tried updating?
  20. Animefan8888


    Dont statically initialize registry values. If they have spawn eggs initialize them in the Register<Item> event if no spawn egg for it initialize it in the Register<Entity> event.
  21. You need to handle that case yourself. addItemStackToInventory returns a value. Use that value to know whether or not you must spawn an EntityItem where the player is.
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