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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. You don't actually do anything what did you expect to happen?
  2. I believe the problem to be LycanitesMobs seeing how it interacts with the revenge target of the mob and the attack target.
  3. Use Entity#getRidingEntity make sure it is not null in the case of health cast to LivingEntity.
  4. That's not the code I was talking about but upon your further clarification I understand what you are trying to do. I thought the Air still rendering was a bug from something you were doing not it regenerating. This is your problem getAir() returns a value 0-300 not 0-20. The value represents the number of ticks you can breath in water.
  5. No there is not. Because the mod could be modifying the Entity from anywhere.
  6. Did you implement net.minecraft.util.ITickable? Or another ITickable Make sure it is "ITickable" not ITickAble
  7. No it's called update you must also implement ITickable
  8. No there is no tutorial or documentation on a Custom Dimension. I can point you in a direction however, You need to use DimensionManager.registerDimension in the RegisterDimensionsEvent. The method takes in a Registry value: ModDimension. Make sure to register it via the RegistryEvent.Register. The ModDimension is abstract and required a BiFunction that returns a Dimension instance, You need to make your own and there is a method called createChunkGenerator. You need to return your own ChunkGenerator instance here.
  9. Where did you download the mod from. Only download mods from reputable sites like curse forge, the Minecraft Forums or here.
  10. You can react to my posts that helped you if you want.
  11. Ok try creating a new world, because this doesn't look to good; might just be a problem with the pack however. And it doesn't just stop at 15 it went up to 110. To be double sure that you are using the same config files by downloading them from the server and putting them in the config folder of your modpack folder.
  12. That's not the whole log. If you can get the log from the logs folder in the server directory.
  13. I'd prefer to keep this to the forums. Well the server console log will help more than the debug.log file I think anyways. Would you might putting that into a pastebin?
  14. latest.log is correct, but the debug.log is not I need the debug.log not any debug****.log.gz
  15. If you are gonna do that you might as well create a Map that maps the Axis values to it's Direction values.
  16. What is output in the server console when you try to connect. Likewise post your latest.log and debug.log they will be under the logs folder where ever your modpack is installed at.
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