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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Do you have a model file for your block? If you are using 1.12.2 you also need to register the model for the ItemBlock.
  2. You must not have read it thoroughly enough. Because you need to make your method static if you use the EventBusSubscriber
  3. You could use World#findNearestStructure to check if the structure is at the BlockPos passed in.
  4. You never register this event. Read this.
  5. Well lets just look at why. Ok all is fine here you check if its type is BLOCK and then check if the block is grass. Good good. Then you immediately cast it to an EntityRayTraceResult even though the type is not ENTITY... WHY? JUST WHY?
  6. It's consistent on the server, I don't know about the client, but it should be.
  7. Create a RecipeWrapper it takes in a IItemHandlerModifiable and it's an IInventory.
  8. On the client Minecraft.getInstance().gameDir; On the server MinecraftServer#getDataDirectory() Which is just new FIle(".");
  9. Does not equal You need to A) Use a lambda that returns a new instance of your Mana class OR B) Mana::new OR C) make a class that extends Callable in which the function returns a new instance of your Mana class. I assume you are using 1.12.2 the register method that takes the parameters Class<T>, IStorage<T>, Class<? extends T> doesn't work anymore.
  10. True, but if you had looked into other instances of ThrowableEntity you would have found that if the Type is BLOCK then you could cast the RayTraceResult to BlockRayTraceResult and then get the Block's position in the world and get it from the World.
  11. Use the register method that wants a Class<T>, CapabilityIStorage<T>, abd a Callable<? extends T> instead of the one that wants two classes. Also post your code, and maybe create your own thread.
  12. First please don't post code that isn't yours to distribute this includes Minecraft's Source code. Second you haven't said what you are trying to do, or what you have tried.
  13. In the onImpact method you have to check to see if the block is passable or not.
  14. Dont register them in your constructor, do it in the registerData method. Yes of course the entity needs to know that those values exist.
  15. Sync it with a packet or the DataManager that entities use.
  16. Because you never told it to get called btw. Are you sure that what you tried the first time didn't work? How did you test it?
  17. Spawn entities only on the server. We need more than just that snippet of code. Where is it being called from?
  18. You'll notice that both your original thread post and the second one are here in this thread. They have been merged.
  19. Nope, which is why I have so much respect for the makers of EE and Project E. The only way to do this is to map all of the raw materials to a value. Then use the crafting/smelting/recipes to combine the emc value.
  20. I guess somewhere with people who share your opinion?
  21. You're welcome. I didn't say 1.14 I said modern. And I say it because we don't support any versions below 1.12 because the changes are massive.
  22. Update to a modern version of Minecraft.
  23. Looks like you didnt setup your environment correctly.
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