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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Depends on the version you are using. In their respective registry event.
  2. Any Block references to dirt or grass for starters.
  3. He is. Hes adding them to a list and then registering every value in that list. However I dont like that @Draco18s is creating his registry entries in preInit.
  4. Be less vague here. The error message is there to help troubleshoot.
  5. They aren't programmed for the server they are client mods. Also 1.7.10 is ancient and no longer supported here.
  6. That doesn't tell me much. Where did you type them? What folder did you download the mdk like I said. Did you extract it? What steps did you take. How can I replicate what you did?
  7. What commands did you run and what steps did you take to run them?
  8. Your Reference.CLIENT_PROXY_CLASS and probably Reference.COMMON_PROXY_CLASS fields don't point to your ClientProxy and CommonProxy files.
  9. I can't help anymore than what I said with out seeing your main class.
  10. Well you are saying one of your proxies is at that location.
  11. Apparently there is no boolean for silk touch. Instead override getSilkTouchDrop and getItemDropped. Return the block in an ItemStack in the first one and Items.AIR in the second one.
  12. gradlew is a gradle thing, but it is a file that comes along with the mdk. It runs cool gradle things and you run it in the command line. So open cmd or powershell or bash and run "gradlew blah" and it runs. You don't need to write and gradle stuff yourself. Well the whole setup process is kinda dependent on using an IDE though I suppose you could just run through one and it wouldn't matter. Because it downloads the source. Plus an IDE gives many benefits. I can understand using notepad to write code the hardcore way when just using the Standard Java Library or something like OpenGL. Which is really well documented, but Minecraft Forge is not and neither is Minecraft because it's not open source. I did not tell you to download gradle. I told you to download the mdk from the forge downloads page. And run the gradlew commands to setup the environment.
  13. Well you should probably use an IDE. Otherwise you are in for a painful ride. Other than that you need to download the mdk. And run the gradlew commands to setup the source code. And you need to run the command "gradlew build" to build the mod.
  14. Look at their classes. Look at their classes.
  15. You need to have an ItemStackTileEntityRenderer.
  16. If the item mined with has silk touch add the ItemStack you want to the list. If it doesn't don't add anything to the list.
  17. Oh...then your Item is still spawning Tridents...you need to override onStoppedUsing or whatever it is called.
  18. Why are you returning null here. It needs to return your renderer.
  19. No they have their own separate classes. They are essentially more blocks, but they are the same block. They are sub blocks.
  20. Why not just look at the BlockGrass class? He probably did exactly that. Probably extended BlockGrass too.
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