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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Then you must be using 1.12? Then it's override Block#getCollisionBoundingBox and return your own AxisAlignedBB value.
  2. They are methods in the block class. If you don't know what overriding is learn Java from another source. We don't teach Java here. If you look at the method you would know... A VoxelShape value is an instance of the VoxelShape class...
  3. Override getRenderLayer in your block classes where their model is not a solid cube and return either CUTOUT_MIPPED or CUTOUT. Override getCollisionShape and return your own VoxelShape value.
  4. Where is the file located? And is anything output into the console? This is a bad modid. Dont use acronyms someone else could use this and then your mods wont be compatible.
  5. No like this. smelting = output.copy();
  6. And instead of this you could do state.getValue(BlockStateProperties.OPEN) if you are in 1.14.4
  7. If you need both the open and close events you should subscribe to them separately. This makes a lot more sense. I understand why you would want to play the game to figure out the events. Because you dont know much about the game from playing it already.
  8. Yeah no that's a horrible way to do it. If you want to know when a container is opened use the container open event and if you want to know on the client side you can use that or the gui open event. Have you ever played minecraft before? An iron door needs redstone power to open in vanilla.
  9. That's just ridiculous. The load time of the game every time you go between investigating and actually writing code makes this inefficient to the extreme. Are you saying you cant look at the name of the event and guess what it does. net.minecraftforge.event.entity.living.LivingUpdateEvent: that must fire whenever a living entity updates. Or net.minecraftforge.event.world.BlockEvent.Break: is whenever a block is broken.
  10. Learn Java This is a Java error you could probably look this statement up in a generic way and find an answer.
  11. Look at how the biome adds like tree gen features.
  12. To forge or java? Or both? Because if you are new to java I'm not gonna explain that to you. There is already plenty of info online you can use for that. Why not tell me where you need more help?
  13. Post all of your code. Preferably as a git repo.
  14. Somewhere you are casting it to a Block...Or using it as a Block.
  15. Send a screenshot. And explain how you setup your workspace.
  16. Ok that might be the simpler one to explain. You just need to extend ItemFood and override ItemFood#onFoodEaten, call the super, and use the player parameter to add an Item to the EntityPlayer#additemStackToInventory or use EntityPlayer#setItemStackToSlot to just put it in the armor slot. Make sure to check if there is something there though. Also addItemStackToInventory returns a boolean of whether it fit in the players inventory if it returns false you'll want to spawn them into the world as EntityItems.
  17. No, I just do it more often than other people probably. I have the tab open whenever I'm online typically. What MC version are you modding for? 1.12.2 or 1.14.4?
  18. That's ridiculous. What if there is a key binding conflict?
  19. You could have literally just looked at BlockChest(ChestBlock) and found that out in seconds...
  20. Yes it is possible.
  21. Ok here are the complete steps you need to do. Download the forge mdk. Link is for 1.14.4 After it is finished downloading extract it to the folder you want to write your code it. Once it is done extracting navigate to that folder in your terminal of your choosing. For ease on Windows you can right click open powershell here or in the file directory at the top just type cmd. Once you have your terminal in that folder run the commands "gradlew genEclipseRuns" and "gradlew eclipse". If they error give us the full error. If they say build complete or whatever you are ready to start programming your mod. If you are still wanting to use notepad/text editor; you need your code to be under src/main/java/ Once you have your mod in a buildable state repeat step 3 but instead run "gradlew build" Your mod will be built and stored in build/libs/
  22. It should, but you would have to check.
  23. Of course it is possible. You never gave a version so 1.12 you would need an IRecipeFactory implementation and in 1.14.4 you need a IRecipeSerializer that parses your own json recipe format.Create one for each vanilla mob because it makes sense. Then make another one for all the mod entities. I recommend having some way for the user to disable them from within the json. Your Factory or Serializer should also return your own IRecipe implementation.
  24. Yes all dimensions have a unique ID.
  25. Change EntityPlayer#noClip to true.
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