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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Override getUnlocalizedName(ItemStack) and base it off of the metadata. Then you will have to put multiple entries into your lang file.
  2. Of course you could do a hash map and you can use a boolean in one, but you should instead have a capability attached to the player that stores all this then iterate through all the connected players and access the capability.
  3. Step through it with your IDEs debugger and you'll be able to confirm if it is being spawned at all, or if it is rendering at all.
  4. Not according to the crash report. "net.journey.entity.projectile.EntitySizzlingKnife.<init>(net.minecraft.world.World, net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase, float, int)"
  5. No because the server will only have one instance of jumpedUp, jumpedForward, canReset, and tick.
  6. If you look in BlockLog1(I think that is the name) you can look at what they did.
  7. For one EntitySizzlingKnife is an abstract class. And it doesnt contain a constructor World, EntityLivingBase, float, int
  8. I think there is an AI that is attached to those mobs that handles that so you could iterate through the AI list and check for an instance of that particular ai class.
  9. Create a new instance of a BlockStateContainer that has a PropertyEnum of the type EnumFacing.Axis.
  10. Does BlockLog override the createBlockState method, and if it does does it add the AXIS property to the BlockStateContainer? If neither is true you need to do so.
  11. It is used to save everything, what logical thought process would lead a developer to create two different types of saving methods for one game? How do you know said variable persists?
  12. Try fiddling with your settings. I suggest doing so without optifine as there are less. Maybe you need something turned on or off.
  13. If I'm not mistaken the armor of the player is calculated on demand so you cannot do this without making it an instance of ItemArmor. However if it isnt then it is stored within a SharedMonsterAttribute and you can add your own modifier in a player tick event if the item is found and remove the modifier if it isnt.
  14. Baby steps are the right way to go. However, instead of starting off with modding minecraft you could have started off with something like a calculator or a very simple game that will teach you the basics of Java itself instead of trying to make a modification to an already existing application via an external API.
  15. The mod Adventure Bags is not using a server compatible method of doing something, remove the mod, update the mod, or tell the mod author.
  16. You only want to do it this way if you don't want other modded logs to work with the recipe. If you want them to work then you must use the ore dictionary method.
  17. You would need to use ore dict there was a post recently on how to do any type of planks it should function the same as the answer on there.
  18. I'll be honest with you. Until you pointed it out I didn't notice it, could be a me just waking up, it not being that noticable, or I'm just really bad at that sort of thing. However I believe the solution is returning CUTOUT in getBlockLayer.
  19. The oak log isnt called minecraft:oak_log yet, that is its name in 1.13. In 1.12 you need to use its metadata value via the data tag in the JSON.
  20. Then the correct thing to do is what I originally said.
  21. Post your updated code, and just for reference did you copy your code from the vanilla TNT renderer? I'm away from my dev environment for most of the time in a week including right now, but once I get back I'll look into it deeper.
  22. Damn. Can you use either the console(print lines) or debug mode to determine if the value is changing on the Client?
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