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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Yes I know, but my phone doesn't agree with me or I'm just typing to fast. And I didn't feel like fixing it.
  2. Minecraft didn't start using there own Java until sometime around the new launcher.
  3. It's an entity there is no JSON model. This is a java model.
  4. 16 and you can use decimals. No its xStart yStart, send, yEnd because it is just coordinates on a texture.
  5. From xStart, yStart, zStart To xEnd, yEnd, zEnd,
  6. You can recreate those methods in your te or you could just do te.fieldName
  7. I meant this implementation. Now you need to let the server know that this happened. Look into vanilla code to see how this is done hint. Youll use EntityPlayer#inventoryContainer.
  8. What you need to do from your original implementation is let the server know that you changed them. Because that one function is already done and the inventory sorting function is a god send.
  9. And why not just use Inventory Tweaks? It has the same feature you are requesting from us.
  10. Why? Subscribe to the RenderPlayerEvent.Pre cancel it and render your model.
  11. What version are you doing this for? And is this only for the client?
  12. Find out which one of these method calls is adding the head box and then change the position that it is being placed at.
  13. Hmmm, I wonder. By the way just for clarification you're getting this error for two reasons. You dont have an item model at the correct location and B you didn't specify the "inventory" variant in your blockstate json.
  14. OR you could just switch the active itemstack and the new custom slot. @IdrisQe Your goal can't be achieved through normal means.
  15. Check what texture is bound in your render code in the debugger.
  16. I believe they mean to stop clicking while the cool down is in effect to only be able to attack while there is no cool down.
  17. Not where is your model, where is the code that makes it appear on the screen?
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