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Everything posted by Failender

  1. show ur attempts, ask specific questions
  2. To answer your question, yes should be possible.
  3. u will need to find the surface block, I am not sure if vanilla has a method for that, or if u need to iterate over the blocks in the world until u find a grass block. after that add 1 to the y pos and u are above the grass
  4. and what would neutral do? nothing? EDIT: Take a look at the Redstone class. There is a lot of things to read that might already solve ur questions
  5. seems like my answer got cut. sorry. public ItemStack onItemRightClick(ItemStack Item, World world, EntityPlayer player) { if(!world.isRemote) { doWorldChangesHere(); } show the crash log, should not be happening.
  6. Specifiy please. u mean a cable with negative redstone power?
  7. U can access the actual open container of the player by player.openContainer. Which means u can use a PlayerTickEvent, iterate through the items of the open container, check the nbt tags, and after that dance to some music.
  8. Alright. I know that I am missing something totally dumb. I want to know something custom above the food icons of the player. I know that I need to scale my rendering. But I am to dumb to get the math right now. The y pos is always correct, the x pos gets messed up by changing the size of minecraft. Any help is appreciated. Greetz Failender @SubscribeEvent public void renderGui(RenderGameOverlayEvent event) { if(event.type==ElementType.ALL) { GL11.glColor4f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_LIGHTING); ExtendedPlayer ext = ExtendedPlayer.get(Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer); Minecraft.getMinecraft().getTextureManager().bindTexture(schild); int xPos = event.resolution.getScaledWidth()-205; int yPos = event.resolution.getScaledHeight()-48; float percentage = (float)ext.getCurrentShield()/ext.getMaxShield(); drawTexturedModalRect(xPos, yPos, 0, 0, 16, 16); } }
  9. best way to find out if u are on server or client side are world objects. world.isRemote tells u that. world.isRemote=> client !world.isRemote =>server. void onItemRightClick(tons of arguments including world object) {
  10. this copypasted code is obfuscated. I guess ur dev environment is deobfuscated. which means that you need to find the deobfuscated fields names.
  11. show how u call the method. i bet u are calling it on client side, which is wrong. u need to call it on server side.
  12. nothing to add.
  13. u can save the time of creation/ the expire data in the items nbt and validate that every time u want do so. so u know "this steak was created 100 ticks ago" and if the steak is 200 ticks old make it to rotten flesh or sth like that
  14. U went to far. Seriously.
  15. more information please. which method are u talking about? which class?
  16. normally if synchronized right vanilla will do that for you. I am not sure if they pull the information from openContainer or inventory. But they should be rendering the stuff they find inside that.
  17. Alright. I will tell you what I know, but as I said I abandoned this try because I wasnt able to fix all problems occuring. The player has two instances of his inventory. Player#inventory Player#openContainer Overriding these two is the first step of chaning the player inventory. If you do that u wont have a need to interrupt the keys, because they will fetch the data from the overwritten instances.
  18. should work since ur gui isnt doing anything on server side. just send a packet for selecting the weapon
  19. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-YqRh7hhBj1M/T-yojv9_gNI/AAAAAAAAAlQ/Q_feMuGM2js/s1600/wat+duck.jpg[/img]
  20. Hmm I might be wrong there. If u are able to find out where the player gets knockbacked (from attacks etc) u will find ur solution for sure
  21. use the id of the entity, they are synced between server and client.
  22. u need to use the PlayerInteractEvent, like u did earlier not create a PlayerInteractEvent.
  23. dont message the client about its motion. set it on the server, just like u have done for everythign else then player
  24. U should try fixxing problems urself instead of asking for help if u cant find the problem in ten minutes
  25. well. I know that if I wont answer u for half an hour u will have it fixxed :'D
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