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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Failender

  1. Welll Your Machine is both, an energy receiver and an energy storage, isnt it
  2. You got diesieben wrong..he wasnt saying that you need to set kt to null. He was saying you are passing a variable in that line that is null by The time you are using it.
  3. well this works great if I try to walk through one of those blocks. but if I stack two of them it wont let me pass and i start taking dmg, like im stuck inside a wall
  4. Hey everyone, I am triing to make a block that its owner can walk through. I found out that my solution might be overwriting isPassable in the class, but it seems like this isnt getting called every time someone tries to walk through. So right now I am out of ideas and could use some input
  5. 10 bucks some1 will copy that code and post in the forum, totally confused that its throwing errors
  6. If you want examples, here you got an example for like everything. For everything else, start learning java, start watching tutorials on how to mod. https://github.com/TheGreyGhost/MinecraftByExample
  7. well.. you register your blocks and after that you initialize them.. read ur error, ur blocks arent initialized when registered, so ull get a NPE
  8. PlayerInteractEvent. and this should give u the mined block
  9. if you need packets, yes. but u wont always need them for syncing.
  10. The event you are looking for should be GuiOpendedEvent (or sth like that) there you should check if The opened gui is The Main Menu. Have in mind that The player comes back to The Main Menu when logging out of a game, so you should check if your player is already logged in that 3rd Party thingy
  11. There is a special event for setting The drops of a block, you should take a look at HarvestDropsEvent (I think that was its Name)
  12. Block.getBlockFromItem(item)
  13. Whats The Problem with inline instation of items @cool?
  14. You should consider learning Java before writing a mod. It wont work any other way. Also read guides, there are enough talking about basics like registration of blocks
  15. Aah I missunderstood The question ernio is right
  16. Override getBlockHardness and make it depend on the meta I guess
  17. have you checked ur registration of the entity? json files etc
  18. Image NBT's like hashmaps. you give it the key and it gives u the value, no matter what u were reading before.
  19. The real question is: why do you want to do that?
  20. You should check for !isRemote on the worldObj in your onBlockActivated, so it gets only processed on server side and the server sends all needed informations to the client.
  21. Define "doenst seem to work" When are you triing to access the information and how
  22. @SubscribeEvent(priority=EventPriority.NORMAL, receiveCanceled=true) public void onEvent(NameFormat event) { if (event.username.equalsIgnoreCase("failender")) { event.displayname = event.username+" the modder"; } } This works for me. As for changing colors.. I dont know sorry Maybe show some code?
  23. I also thought about it and moved my calls to preInit.. nothing changed
  24. One way to save string Arrays to NBT is use a Standard compound, set one integer Holding the length and then writing with a loop The compound,using String.valueOf(i) as key. But there might be better ways to do so
  25. obviously bc i am dumb. I was just so deep in the code that I was like okay. minecraft is using one class for all the ores. so i should check for the unlocalized name. dumb me ill better go to bed now.
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