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Everything posted by shadowfacts

  1. No. OP: Are you sure your recipe registration code is actually getting called? From where are you calling it? Show more of your code.
  2. No it will not cause issues if someone has CoFH mods installed alongside yours, presuming you included the RF API correctly. In your case, you will need to add the CoFH AT to src/api/resources otherwise any CoFH mods you put in your dev env will crash.
  3. That would work, but if OP's project is going to be standalone, the RF API would need to be included in his jar. OP: Create a fresh project. Copy the source code of the RF API into src/main/java. Then write your mod. You only need to include the CoFH AT if you are using CoFH mods in your development environment.
  4. Unless you are including CoFH mods in your dev environment, you don't need the CoFH AT.
  5. 1. You don't need to re-register your mod instance every time syncConfig() is called, move it to preInit() so it's registered once. 2. You need to call syncConfig() at the beginning of preInit(), currently it's never called.
  6. You need to have the @Mod.EventHandler annotation on your pre-init, init, and post-init methods for them to get called.
  7. Nobody here is going to write code for you, we will give you the knowledge you need to be able to code it, but we won't code it for you, otherwise you wouldn't learn anything.
  8. I presume your block has a TileEntityLocker attached to it? Please post your ModelLocker code.
  9. If you looked at the curePotionEffects method in EntityLivingBase, you'd know that it only cures an effect if the ItemStack can cure the effect, which, since you're item is not Vanilla, it probably can't. You can manually remove all the potion effects from the entity basically by copying curePotionEffects and removing the isCurativeItem check.
  10. splash.properties is in the normal config folder.
  11. No. What you're doing is very, very bad. You are copying the entirety of CoFH Lib, not just the API. This not only goes against the wishes of the CoFH team, but will likely cause many crashes. In order to use CoFH mods in the dev environment, you must copy the CoFH AT into src/api/resource/CoFH_at.cfg and re-setup your workspace.
  12. Unless var args methods don't translate to Scala properly, you don't need an array to create a recipe.
  13. Try disabling the advanced loading screen in config/splash.properties.
  14. Using any block event that occurs after the TileEntity is set, you can look at and change the contents of the signText field. (Note, you will need to do a check cast to access this field.)
  15. Post the entirety of the log and stacktrace.
  16. I've no idea, but that's the behavior according to the help and out and various bits of the code. I'm not sure if there's a task that cleans the normal Gradle deps, but using the --refresh-dependencies option should force Gradle to download them again, replacing them in the cache.
  17. Try manually deleting the Jar file at C:\Users\Hextor\.gradle\caches\modules-2\files-2.1\com.google.guava\guava\17.0\9c6ef172e8de35fd8d4d8783e4821e57cdef7445\guava-17.0.jar, the error you posted states that the jar is likely corrupted. @diesieben07: The cleanCache task only cleans the ForgeGradle files, not the cached files in ~/.gradle/caches/modules-2, which is where normal dependencies are downloaded.
  18. You can manually include the source in your mod. For other APIs/libraries you will need to use Gradle and Maven to include (and possibly shade) dependencies.
  19. You need to include the file extension in the ResourceLocation constructor. e.g. "mymod:path/to/texture.png" not "mymod:path/to/texture"
  20. We can't say, because we have no idea how your steam API works. My guess is you would fill the pipe up with steam from any adjacent sources. Then, any pipes adjacent to your pipe would try to balance the steam in the first pipe between itself and the first pipe, you would then repeat this balancing and eventually steam would be balanced between all the pipes in your network. You'd also check if there are any adjacent blocks that accept steam, and if so, insert as much as possible into them.
  21. ... You add the GameRegistry.register(Block|Item) call to the item/block's constructor. If you don't know what a constructor is or how to invoke a method, you need to learn Java.
  22. At the end of the log there should be a message saying that you need to run a special command to confirm the removal of the Biomes O Plenty block. Additionally, because you're removing a world gen mod, your world will probably be corrupted unless you hadn't set the generator in the server properties. Side note: This topic should be in the Support & Bug Reports forum, as this is not about a mod you made.
  23. FMLInjectionData.getData()[6] This is the Minecraft home, from there you can find the mods folder.
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