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Everything posted by ItsAMysteriousYT

  1. You said earlier that the PacketClass should not have a constructor with fields so how can i pass over some values? I can't find a way for that
  2. So what to happen in on the server then? What do i have to write? You just say update data for me this is data=value from gui but the gui is clientside so i can't acces the gui in the packethandler right? I feel like stupid :'(
  3. Okay yes, but in the beginning this thread was about some IEEP which still don't work. My problem is that the values are not saved. I launch the game and if the IEEP from the player are empty/some values are missing, i open a gui that sets these values. problem is, the values don't keep through world closing
  4. Yea im doing that look: SuperEntityClass: SuperRenderer Class that stores the VehicleFiles:
  5. Okay - ill try to describe it in detail what i do right now: 1. I load the files 2. The data from the files is stored in a VehicleFile.class 3. The VehicleFile classes are stored in the VehicleList 4. The ClientProxy loops through the list and generates a new item for each vehicle, generating a json file with the containing texture etc. From there i don't know how to carry on...
  6. So Packets are not to cary data but to execute things on the client/server? How do people send messages then?
  7. No - you don't understand me. DAMN - I have one renderer. Only thing i need is to have a possibility to save different cars with their values. Cuz if i load new cars from .txt every time i need to somehow keep the data. SO what to do? Okay wit - probably im wrong so - i tried some reflection and it didn't work properly.
  8. But somehow the Flansmod maker makes this too. He just need the vehiclefile and then it generates everything by itself. Probably like if i just make new instances and load the models to a global list and search for them in the renderer every time. Like Map<String,IModelCustom>=new HashMap<String,IModelCustom> While the String takes in the VehicleName and then when the entityvehicle.class is rendered, it will get the IModelCustom from a method?
  9. I have a basic EntityFile and i added the possibility that u can load vehicles from a .txt file. Now i need to register a new instance of my generic vehicle rendering class to an entityclass. This entityclass should be a slightly changed version of the basic VehicleClass. So i need to add the vehiclename to the class to make it anotherclass with a new renderer. Since Entityclasses can only have one bound renderer. Sorry if i missspell something im german ( half german -half english)
  10. I need to rename an instance of my entityclass so i can register a new renderer to it. How can i make this?
  11. Okay lol but what is the point of packet handling than? Isn't it therefore that things that are managed on clients send data to the serverside? Probably im stupid but it sais that :'(
  12. But how can i pass over some data then? Do i have to use those two methods and if yes - how ?
  13. Hey there, im trying to implement PacketHandling to my mod for several resons. First - i need to change some IEE's from a GuiScreen and second i need to spawn vehicles in the world. So - no matter what i do - it just crashes the game- Here is my PacketHandler, my SpawnVehiclePacket and the method where i call them: PacketHandler: SpawnVehiclePacket As explanation: im loading a file in which there is information about a vehicle. From this information i generate a new item named like the vehicle that should spawn it. The EntityVehicle class takes in the VehicleFile and works with the information. Problem is - every time i rightclick the item game crashes and sends me this errThe CircleOfLife output null shows that the properties aren't set properly): So here is how i call them.
  14. Okay - i tried doing the packethandling stuff but it gives me a svere error and just sais that the packet couldn't be handled also it does not set the properties right. Please help. PS - No errorcode available - just a crash Here is the packagehandler method:
  15. When i spawn in the world the guiscreen pops back up in which ive set the name and gender before. probably this is cuz i don't have the -username argument in JVM-Arguments properly?
  16. Thank you. this really helped me out
  17. Im trying to properly register IEE, but they are not saved probably. I can't make out the problem. Here are the classes and where i register the IEE: IEE-Class: Registration in the ClientHandler registered to MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS:
  18. Is it possible to remove a Crafting Recipe and if yes, how?
  19. Cuz i need to generate them first Others can put in their files to load them in the mod like in flans mod
  20. Now i know that i have to use reflection but at which place and especially how there just is written WHAT it is not how
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