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Everything posted by ItsAMysteriousYT

  1. I want to add a possibility to my mod that it creates a new folder and in there it should put some images and files. How can i make that minecraft looks in the folder for resources when loading the resourcepacks?
  2. Now it is in the other class: public static final void register(EntityPlayer player) { player.registerExtendedProperties(EXT_PROP_NAME, new RLMPlayerProps()); } i think the player is not initialised
  3. This method closes the game with a nullpointerexception - why? public void actionPerformed(GuiButton b) { switch (b.id) { case 0: RLMPlayerProps props = RLMPlayerProps.get(FMLClientHandler.instance().getClientPlayerEntity()); if(props!=null){ props.name=namefield.getText(); props.surname=surnamefield.getText(); mc.displayGuiScreen(new GuiGamestart()); }else { RLMPlayerProps.register(Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer); return; } break; } confirmClicked(true, 0); }
  4. So how can i do that? I just did like that:
  5. How can i get when a few ticks have past? Just make an int and let it go up every tick and see when it is at five or so?
  6. I want to Open a Gui Screen when the Player spawns in the world. But when i use the EntityJoinWorldEvent, it just pops up before the worlgeneration and immidiatly closes again. Even if i use onEntityConstructing it does the same. Any suggestions?
  7. Is there a possibility to render a long string with automatic returns at a specific positon(propper word splitting etc)?
  8. I figured it out now. Somehow the GuiOverlay method had some calculations wrong.
  9. Okay, i have a packethandler now and i know how packets work. But still the IEEP won't work
  10. I don't know. SInce i never learned packet handling and how it basicly works. It seems like everyone knows it just me not. Can you help me plz?
  11. How can i set an objmodel as model for an armour item?
  12. Here is the IExtendedProperties class: and here the method call (in a GuiScreen) in the drawScreen Method:
  13. Im trying to bind some customprops to the player, but when i call the method that acts like public static final RLMPlayerProps get(EntityPlayer player){ return (RLMPlayerProps)player.getExtendedEntityProperties(EXT_PROPS_NAME); } and i get a field of it, it sometimes doesn't work. Any suggestions?
  14. Uhm, you don't need to create a new GuiSlider class. This is unnessecary! Just make a new GuiSlider variable and define it as new GuiSlider(); add it to the buttonList and don't forget to update it and add it to the onMouseClicked method. This is all you need.
  15. Is there a possibility to change how vanilla blocks are rendered? For example glass_panes?
  16. Hey, im trying to make some powerlines that are no blocks, but can be aplied to every block in the world. so i have to make a new savepart in the worldfile for my powerline blocks. How can i make that and also. When the player holds a detectoritem in hand i want that the blocks with cables show up(are highlited/the cables a rendered through the blocks). Hopefully somebody can help me.
  17. Just hover over the new GuiSlider and it will show up a box with the needed arguments. And if not do ctrl and click on GuiSlider. It will bring up the class and you can read it.
  18. Wha i want is to automaticly generate JSon FIles
  19. Okay wait how? You mean i should create a 'virtual' resourcepack or so?
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