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Everything posted by Choonster

  1. Use one of the static methods on the class to create a new instance.
  2. You need to create a custom recipe type that overrides IRecipe#getRemainingItems to return a copy of the axe with its durability reduced. I've got a very similar recipe implementation here, there's code in other parts of the repository to handle things like registration and data generation.
  3. Use the public BlockEntityType constructor.
  4. You need to talk to whoever you bought the server from. Forge doesn't sell servers.
  5. Please keep this forum in English.
  6. Your post was hidden because you dumped the log directly into it instead of posting it with a paste website as described in the FAQ. In addition to this, you posted in an old, potentially unrelated topic instead of creating a new one.
  7. @Charlieee_ Your post was hidden. Follow the instructions in the FAQ:
  8. You posted in an unrelated topic and triggered the anti-spam by posting your log directly, I've split your post into its own topic. Please read the FAQ.
  9. https://github.com/positivevibes123/MinecraftExplosiveMod/blob/3dfabe6cd67213db484737c8cce650583dd894f1/src/main/java/com/gmail/damoruso321/bomb/datacomponents/ModDataComponents.java#L19 This should be DATA_COMPONENT_TYPES.register(eventBus), not eventBus.register(DATA_COMPONENT_TYPES).
  10. Have you registered the DeferredRegister with the mod event bus? You can link your GitHub repo.
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