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Everything posted by hydroflame

  1. reob in the intention of making a release, you should be using a jar
  2. ressources go in your jar i think
  3. or you can use EnumChatFormatting which is basicly the same as what GotoLink said but its a bit easier to remember example: (EnumChatFormatting.RED+"derp") is a red "derp" string
  4. ideas are not copyrighted unless you have a pattent for it
  5. declaring and calling mean 2 completelly different thing in coding. its not a question what i WANT to call it its a question of using the right word since theres only 2 side i would have tought that if its not server side it would be client side you have 2 pot, the cookie is not in the first one, where is it??? btw dont answer im not trying anymore
  6. declaring what ? particle ? NOWHERE !! how is it so hard to freacking check which side your on and not call something if youre server side
  7. lol, btw showing us int with values and name is the equivalent of float distanceBetweenEarthAndSun=1; and later saying "hey the distance between the earth andthe sun isnt 1 meter?? ok im exgagerating but maybe youre not registering the id properly
  8. no, you could try your luck with a IItemRenderer and using the nbt of the itemstack as holder for the "meta"
  9. great listener by continuing to try to make stupid things by calling particle spawning serverside WHICH YOU SHOULD NEVER DO literally what part of "dont call particle spawning server side" do you not understand? you dont do it. its not a question of @Sideonly its a question of not writing the code
  10. if youre using meta on placement well its never gonna be in a certain direction in your inv because in your inv it doesnt have meta same for tile entity, in your inv they dont have a tile entity
  11. check that Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.currentScreen == null (or is equal to the in game gui
  12. you dont call particle spawning from server side.
  13. or use meta, or use a tile entity special renderer, because both these method are way easier to do
  14. no i dont think you understand that the entity need to exists on both side but the renderer only exists client side
  15. \ not call particle spawning on server side
  16. heuuu... unfortunately your mod is doing competition to mine... so i cant really help you
  17. where the textures are images images shouldn't be compiled ... they're not java code
  18. either change the script to also reobf your folder or put your src in the intended source
  19. because you are seperating your source in 2 place, it causes the obfuscator to NOT pass on your code java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: maxStackSize maxStackSize exists in a deobfuscated environnement but doesnt exists in a obfuscated envir
  20. ctrl+shift+o will never make it worst, if you're getting more error because of it it means that the fix you were trying to do is actuallly wayyy worst then the result after ctrol sihft o
  21. dont forget to hit the thank you button btw entity.entityID is a unique id for every entity, meaning maybe a creeper has entityid 50 but another could have 156
  22. that would work technicly but forge provides a library called ASM (they didnt make it btw, they're just distributing it with forge) and this library allows you to change the code at runtime (after you launch the game but before its loaded) theres a post about this like 15 minute ago
  23. also, when you looking in the source for what you want to change, when you find it make sure you unsdertadn everything if whats going on from main(String[]) to the method you want to change, sometimes you will change something and realise its not even what you wanted
  24. google how to use the instanceof keyword, itll you GREATLY
  25. your packet isnt received, we can then conclude that you didnt register your packet handler correctly
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