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Everything posted by hydroflame

  1. hen ok, we know its not that heres some code that should work GL11.glPushMatrix(); GL11.glTranslatef((float)par2, (float)par4, (float)par6); GL11.glEnable(GL12.GL_RESCALE_NORMAL); Minecraft.getMinecraft().renderEngine.func_110577_a(new ResourceLocation("/assets/MODID/textures/mode/TEXTURENAME.png")); Tessellator tessellator = Tessellator.instance; float f3 =0; float f4 = 1; float f5 = 0; float f6 = 1; float f7 = 1.0F; float f8 = 0.5F; float f9 = 0.25F; GL11.glRotatef(180.0F - this.renderManager.playerViewY, 0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F); GL11.glRotatef(-this.renderManager.playerViewX, 1.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F); tessellator.startDrawingQuads(); tessellator.setNormal(0.0F, 1.0F, 0.0F); tessellator.addVertexWithUV((double)(0.0F - f8), (double)(0.0F - f9), 0.0D, (double)f3, (double)f6); tessellator.addVertexWithUV((double)(f7 - f8), (double)(0.0F - f9), 0.0D, (double)f4, (double)f6); tessellator.addVertexWithUV((double)(f7 - f8), (double)(1.0F - f9), 0.0D, (double)f4, (double)f5); tessellator.addVertexWithUV((double)(0.0F - f8), (double)(1.0F - f9), 0.0D, (double)f3, (double)f5); tessellator.draw(); GL11.glDisable(GL12.GL_RESCALE_NORMAL); GL11.glPopMatrix(); try this instead
  2. ive seens worst ... like wayyy worst like "i dont know what a variable is"
  3. how to use packets ? yes, will i explain this in a forge forum post? no, please use the wiki somebody already spent time making a tutorial on how to use them
  4. right i need a solution use a HashMap<String, Integer> to store the "count" variable of each player seperatly
  5. thats because you have only 1 "count" for every player theres 1 PlayerTickHandler overall, not per player. so basicly every player is using the same "count" value
  6. this seems weird to me but i think what you want to do is let the client do his things and use packets to communicate information between client-server
  7. this.itemIcon = reg.registerIcon("medieval:firebolt"); mean that you should have exactly mcp/src/minecraft/assets/medieval/items/firebolt.png note: "items" can actually be "Item", "Items" or "item" i dont remember exactly
  8. yeah, the method gives you the key taht was pressed, its a simple switch or a couple of ifelse
  9. are your textures placed at the correct position and are you registering the icon properly? we dont ahve your Firebolt class so we cant tell
  10. welll ... what do you want to happen when a button is pressed ... print penis on the console ? System.out.println("penis"); open a gui ? player.openGui(args); send a packet to the server ? MyMod.sendPacektForKeyPress(args); etc
  11. please dont copy paste code you dont knwo what is doing because you end up with things like this EntityRegistry.findGlobalUniqueEntityId(); this statement does actually nothing if written this way heres how I registster my entities //entity class, entityName, id, mod, trackingRange, updateFrequency, sendsVelocityUpdates EntityRegistry.registerModEntity(EntityMeteor.class, "meteor", 4, this, 350, 5, false); this is in the formerly knows as the @PreInit function
  12. its not a question of moving class to the right side, its a question of NOT using them on the wrong side
  13. pretty much
  14. im thinking maybe you aren't registering your entities properly can you make a println inside the constructor of your bullet entity ? just do see if it is ever created when you shoot the gun
  15. heu if theres no println in the renderer (meaning its not being called), can you zip your code and post a link here cuz im starting to get lost
  16. YES!!!!!! but to come to the actual problem, you are registering your entity CLIENT side only, the server doesnt know that theres a new entity and so it never makes it appear EntityRegistry.registerGlobalEntityID(EntityHealingBall.class, "HealingBall", EntityRegistry.findGlobalUniqueEntityId()); System.out.println("Entity Reged"); try placing that code in you Generic main mod file because both client side and server side will run this
  17. heu well... are you seeing a HELOOOOOO in your console output ?
  18. oh right well ... you should deffinitelly learn what function are but copy paste this String someConfigString = someProperty.getString();
  19. yes, now for your own information the @Override is not NECCESSARY but it helps understanding the flow of the code, if you have a @Override you KNOW that a super class (class you are extending from) have this method too also if you put a @Override and it give you an error you can tell taht maybe you copied the name wrong
  20. well the Property class has some function to get values from it getBoolean(); getBooleanList(); getInt(); getIntList(); getString(); getStringList(); getDouble() getDoubleList(); just call the one you need. (if that wasnt clear please put your topazitem class here so i will point you the correct method to use) ps: for your information the convention is to use CapitalForEveryFirstWordInClassNames so it should be called TopazItem but this wont affect the code, its just convention
  21. if you delete "extends CommonProxy" it will give you errors because remember in your main mod file it says public static CommonProxy and the fact that you have extends CommonProxy means that you can consider a ClientProxy LIKE a CommonProxy, if you remove that they will be 2 completelly different things so option 1 BUT remove the body aka DO NOT register the renderer in the common proxy, just copy the method declaration aka in client proxy public void doSomething(){ //code } in common proxy public void doSomething(){ //NO CODE HERE } you see both method have the same declaration "public void doSomething()" so since your client proxy is declaring the same thign again, the code from the client proxy will be called because it "Override" the one from the common proxy this is also why sometimes we put @Override, meaning we actually want to do THIS, and not that our extended class says to do
  22. im guessing they are using an older version as net.minecraftforge.src.forge.Property doesnt exists we only have a net.minecraftforge.common.property and with this one, the value is prive so you cannot access it
  23. ah ok, hum thsi is due to the fact that registerRenderers() in your client proxy and common proxy have slightly different name basicly at the begining of the clientproxy class you say extends CommonProxy this mean that you want everything in Commonproxy should ALSO be in Clientproxy, but since they have slightly different names. it calls the registerRend somethign in the common proxy, not the client one
  24. The field Property.value is not visible topazitem.java /Minecraft/src/Asip/topaz line 91 Java ProblemThe field Property.value is not visible you're trying to access a variable that has a private modifier you shouldnt be doing this
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