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Everything posted by hydroflame

  1. who the hell is sending a string of length 2048 ?
  2. well the "dlc" could be a mod by itself and have a dependencie over your main mod
  3. yeah but that doesnt exists
  4. im on a phone ill answerin 15 min
  5. you need to underatand the difference between static and not static
  6. plus like i said, you might want to reconsider how you are implementing this ...
  7. [lmgtfy]how to call a method in java[/lmgtfy] im sorry but this basic java.
  8. a try catch as it will throw exception if it doesnt find it
  9. YOU have to manually call this said method, theres no magic
  10. well ... you dont HAVE to do it this way (actually its pretty weird) but you're probably better to do Class c = Class.forName("com.name.wtv.class");
  11. you make a call to registerRenderers() im sure in the tutorial you have followed they are doing it and you simply missed it
  12. TileEntity and TileEntitySpecialRenderer are 2 different things, your registerRenderer method is never called in the main mod class so after loading your mod knows that theres a new tile entity, but he doesnt know that theres a special way to render it
  13. no, renderers are registered when the mod is loading aka in the init/load function of your main mod
  14. well for this bug well just say that the code in execute in a serial manner so if theres no println that means theres no registration... that woudl also mean that nobody is calling your client proxy registerRendering() because if something was calling your registerRendering then surelly there would be a print and you would register your tile entity renderer. but since theres no println, then NOTHING in this function is EVER executed
  15. not exactly if you do System.out.println("thsi code was executed") and "thsi code was executed" never shows up..... can you conclude that ....thsi code was NEVER executed ?
  16. no it wont print anything trust me, do only the ClientRegistry thing
  17. always use something like System.out.println("yes the coded executed this") because System.out.println() will only appear like this "2013-07-23 22:14:05 [sTDOUT] " and then you dont know what is sending thsi line, while if you use System.out.println("yes the coded executed this") you know exactly which lines has printed this code
  18. [lmgtfy]how to use java logger[/lmgtfy] im sorry
  19. now lets use the same strategy and make a println before this: "ClientRegistry.bindTileEntitySpecialRenderer(" in your client proxy
  20. yeah i understand, but this is a java issue not a forge issue, you should be able to find this in google easily (btw mine has 18-19k , but yeah id consider 10k a big mod )
  21. conclusion? you didnt rgister it correctly can we have the updated main mod class ?
  22. i obviously use a logger every single day of my life at work. but clearly it may be overkill for a minecraft mod... just saying. maybe im wrong and your mod is reaaaaaally big and you actualy need it. but i consider that im doing a big one and i dont need a logger
  23. why cant you just use System.out.println like 99% of us ? this seems like a lot of effort to see [sTDOUT][MyMod] penis 1 [sTDOUT][MyMod] penis 2 [sTDOUT][MyMod] penis 3 [sTDOUT][MyMod] penis 4 [sTDOUT][MyMod] penis 5
  24. yeah... thsi makes no sens, this is literally the equivalent of comparing apples and hammers. To the eyes of the compiler this statement makes no sens.
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