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Everything posted by hydroflame

  1. 1: modloader ? why ? 2: i dont think thats right that should actually be something like: "com.hydroflame.entity.PenisMonster" com.hydroflame.entity is the package name PenisMonster is the class name
  2. bg would be the class and "a" the method i think then again that doesnt mean that somewhere else in the code you didnt screw something up
  3. 1: i would use IExtendedProperty for that (and EntityConstructingEvent) 2: do you know what static means because that would mean that its the SAME amount of gold for everyone and btw theres no difference between LAN and a real server
  4. can we have *some* code to work with ? does that mean you run in eclipse bvoth a client and a server, connect to teh server and get killed and THAT doesnt work ?
  5. welll yknow i can help but you have to do some of the work too you're instancing your dataBlock staticly, try doing that in the preinit it *might* be part of the problem
  6. usually the obfuscated names have MAX 3 letter (2 to 3 letters) so no func_etc is not the method name, but you can find it in the joined.srg file in conf
  7. if you're calling method inside the method you're changing and youdidnt change those method also it could cause bugs also, saying that if deob work mean that obf work is same as saying that this code: is right because the deobf version is right. its obviously false, the deobf version and obf version are COMPLETELLY different, so if one works that doesnt mean the other will String m1 = "a"; String m2 = "func_82482_a"; m1.equals(m2) since when ?
  8. i dont recall the exact name, but just override the method names "isItemValidForSlot" or something similar you can jsut return false and nothing will be placable there
  9. then praise to alah no seriously, its not because you're patching this class that you're not making errors anywhere else
  10. ... you need to make a class extending Slot, from there you can prevent item to be placed in the slot (you can also filter to accept only certain item)
  11. then the problem is NOT mcmod.info, it doesnt make the mod not-functionning i would say double check that you have effectively replaced obfuscated code correctly because other then that i dont see where it can be
  12. personally i have no flippin idea, my mod doesnt touch any of these area, but if you look at the class GameRegistry, LanguageRegistry, NetworkRegistry maybe you can find related method its obviously doable because many peopel are doing it. sory i cant be of any help have a good day
  13. yeah thats the other shitty part about ASMing with minecraft, when recompiling minecraft you will re'obfuscate your code, meaning names like Minecraft.java will become atd.jva (thats notch way of protecting his code) so your coremod (ASM module/code that will change the code ) has to also take this in consideration the conf folder contains a file called joined.srg, open this file with a text editor (notepad, notepad++, less, more, vi, EDIT etc) and you will see the de-obfuscated name (the one you're used to work with) and the obfuscated name (something like "ats" "jd", a lot of combination of 2-3 letters, yes its shitty to read)
  14. well you knwo exactly whats going on. thats basicly the JVM saying WOOOO MAN TOO MUCH SHIT HAPPENING are you creating like 100 000 000 000 000 object? somewhere ? because all that says is that you are using too much memory
  15. im guessing that notch original code generate a layer of stone then another layer of dirt and the rest maybe decorators btw i envy your code very much right now
  16. deathman12e3:textures/items/item.woodPaxel<- says its looking for the file names: "item.woodPaxel" src >minecraft >>deathman12e3 >>>textures >>>>items >>>>>woodPaxel.png <- there is no file named "item.woodPaxel" deathman12e3:textures/items/woodPaxel OR src >minecraft >>deathman12e3 >>>textures >>>>items >>>>>item.woodPaxel.png
  17. I do, I just used an object fill-in. I would assume he would use a field just the same since it's kind of a given. oh ok, i was also thinking you were printing that for the example, but i wanted to make sure (im a efficiency whore )
  18. you do realise that by this logic nothing would ever get created? the person who invented the first game didnt have a manual on how to create games. the person who made the first operating system didnt ahve an OS creation manual but they knew how computer works (approximatelly) notch didnt have a manual on "how to make furnace in code"
  19. nobody cares if you copy something as generic as this. It would only be cheap if you were making another item called the Mining laser and it would have the same feature as the one in IC2 and EVEN if you were doign that, almost nobody would actually care. if you want to make a auto-smelting pickaxe just DO IT. its so generic
  20. deathman12e3:textures/items/item.woodPaxel.png src >minecraft >>deathman12e3 >>>textures >>>>items >>>>>woodPaxel.png you can figure this one out ?
  21. hey guff, btw its a good practice to make resourcelocation 1 time and reuse the same object over and over, specially for something that is used every frame while drawing *thumb up*
  22. just put your asset folder in your jar
  23. point is you don't have copyright over "auto smelting pickaxe" tons of people has this idea before you and im SURE other mods have done it before (example: IC2 mining laser automaticly smelt things)
  24. your mod is done ? like completelly finished ?
  25. [lmgtfy]How can I convert the folder in jar?[/lmgtfy] zip then rename to .jar maaaagiiiiicccc *insert meme here*
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