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Everything posted by hydroflame

  1. bukkit is not supported here and btw you just run the file forge create... its not that hard java -jar mcserverforge.jar &
  2. or because people who really needs it use forge essential core or mine, which both does that exact features, were probably both just too lazy to actually implements it in forge
  3. pretty much, just put everything in common in a core mod (different meaning of core then like those who change the code at runtime ) kinda like how buildcraft used to be, you install the core and you add wtv you want after
  4. well even if you do call glColor it wont work unless blending is enabled, and bte its a bad practice to call glColor except when using a colorless texture that you want to programmatically change the color of. in his case the image seems/should be completelly baked in the image
  5. no. you have to enable blending GL11.glEnable(GL11.GL_BLEND);
  6. yeah i guess, you could also switch the winding order
  7. GL11.glScaled(1,-1,1); will turn the model upside down compared to current matrix origin
  8. it looks like this will generate small values which will be used to translate de minecart by a small amount...but since the seed is the entityid that means the randomly gwnerated position will be different for every minecart but will never change for a specific minecart .... idk this code goal seems to make every minecart look different but by such a small amount that no one would even notice the difference... at least i never saw the difference .
  9. ah ok did t know rotated was i lwjgl anyway from a technical point of view the vast majority of graphic cards have only 32bit precision aaaanyway so might as well directly use float and not double
  10. nait is right, the whole is called a quaternion and gives me headache at night. also every transformation function in opengl start with "gl" followed by the kind of transformation ("translate", "scale", "rotate" ) and ends with a letter saying which type of argument they take. i for int, d for double, f for float so effectivelly the function "glRotate" doesnt exists but "glRotatef" does and with certain language+api "glRotated" exists too (but it doesnt with java+LWJGL)
  11. I'm honestly not sure how to interpret that ... there's 1 word that is cap-locked in the whole message and its the word "only" (well the only one i could see while looking quickly. so its either sarcasm because i did too much caps (which wouldnt make sens ) or because i didnt do enough not sure yup pretty everyone tells me that, and im kinda stupid to have made them so good (and by good i mean higher quality then normal mc because it would be crap in another situation ) the mod is suppose to run on a server and im not expecting everyone who comes here to own a gtx780 so yeah model downscaling is on the list thanks btw never got the chance to comment but i was actually super impressed by rails of war too :\ gj on that i work for a indie game engine company specificly on the graphic engine. if my goal was to show off about 90% of the players wouldnt be able to play my mod because of the workload id put on the graphic card thanks nait
  12. packet are message between 2 program via internet, server send packet to client about the information for the position and rotation of mobs, as well as their health. it also sends packet containing the chunk information. client send packet containing which key are pressed and which buttons are clicked, gotolink tells you to send pacekt to the server to tell him that this client has pressed a specific button
  13. packet, those thing you send (pew pew pew) to the server. and the server goes "oh hey i got a message *read message* do stuff yeah mhmmmm" then the server send more message to the client (pew pew pew) and the client goes " oh thats great now i can show to the player what the game looks like" yeah packet are message between server and client
  14. no actually its because you rotated with a weird quaternion, resulting the messing up the model completelly GL11.glRotatef(-90F, 0F, 0F, 0F); this is useless and will probably f up your model GL11.glRotatef(-90F, 0F, 1F, 0F); ^ this will rotate the model
  15. maybe you could take a look at how ghast ai work ? that a good starting point as they float around, and will attack anythign that attack them
  16. well yeah, if you want to render a bow, bind a bow texture .. if you want to render a couch .... bind a couch texture
  17. just get the texture of their character then
  18. as to where to point the file, theres a tutorial on the wiki about how to properlly setup images in your folders and all that this.mc.renderEngine.bindTexture("%blur%/misc/glint.png"); thsi is 1.5.2 code and basicly points to a file called glint.png in the folder misc somewhere, not sure exactly what it is
  19. oh, forgot, you cant handle event of type RenderPlayer directly, its either RenderPlayerEvent.pre or RenderPlayerEvent.post and it wont be the location of the player but the difference betweent the local player and the target player
  20. probably cuz techne sucks the argument you must send are the position and rotation of the model
  21. yeah in 1.6.2 you need to use ResourceLocation and call a method from the renderEngine which use that (cant remember the exact name since its like func_xxxx_a(ResourceLocation)) beside that you shouldnt need getSheetWidth as getMinU getMaxU getMinV getMaxV should be enough for every needs also, you probably dont need getMin/Max/U/V if you use ResourceLocation instead of the standard iconsheet
  22. it hasnt really changed, you need a IItemRenderer
  23. every time your tickhandler ticks ... create a new block of the structure
  24. #RenderPlayerEvent
  25. int scale = 1; GL11.glPushMatrix(); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_LIGHTING); // Scale, Translate, Rotate GL11.glScalef(scale, scale, scale); GL11.glTranslatef((float) x, (float) y, (float) z); GL11.glRotatef(-90F, 0F, 0F, 0F); FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().renderEngine.bindTexture(Textures.MODEL_BUSWAY); model.renderPart("test"); use glTranslated instead of glTranslatef model.render(), instead of renderPart(String), the part "test" might not exists
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