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Everything posted by hydroflame

  1. yeah the thing is we dont have a loader for any animation files. and i dont want to write one its sooo f***ing long! but its "possible" to do animation via wavefront ... but it kinda sucks, plus its not like techne support animation either ...
  2. oh ... good point never tried with containers :\
  3. every mob renderer extends render right? well in the constructor of the class which deals with the infected mobs make a hashmap of <Class, Render> then once you get to the point where you know your mob is infected, use the hashmap to get the corresponding Render object and call doRender pseudo code: class someClass{ HashMap<Class, Render> renderMap someClass(){ renderMap.put(EntityXanafiedZombie.class, new RenderXanafiedZombie()); renderMap.put(EntityXanafiedSkeleton.class, new RenderXanafiedSkeleton()); renderMap.put(EntityXanafiedSilverfish.class, new RenderXanafiedSilverfish()); } @ForgeSubscribe handleLivingRender(RenderLivingEvent){ condition condition morecondition Render r = renderMap.get(xanafiedMob.getClass());//get class will return the true class of the object r.doRender(*args*); } }
  4. no actually "openGui(Object, int, World, int, int, int)" from class EntityPlayer doesnt required packet to allow gui to open. example of my code: @Override public void keyDown(EnumSet<TickType> types, KeyBinding kb, boolean tickEnd, boolean isRepeat) { if (Minecraft.getMinecraft().inGameHasFocus && tickEnd) { if (kb.keyCode == Keyboard.KEY_P) { Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.openGui(TheMod.instance, PartyGUI.GUI_ID, Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld, 0, 0, 0);
  5. well you're never binding a texture, so no there wont be anything on your cube
  6. yes or dear god not techne, please use wavefront files
  7. no and there's actually a good for that but its kinda long to explain (or i suck at explaining things) cant you just override the icons with the one you want and copy the cope to render the hopper in a ISBRH ?
  8. well this line pl = (EntityCustomPlayer)pl2.getExtendedProperties("knux Custom Player"); could possibly return null, are how are you registering the extended properties ?
  9. the real question is why do you have guis in your coremod coremods should only contain the ASM code and nothing else :\
  10. par2, par3, par4, par5, par6, par7
  11. i *think* you cant use IWorldGenerators for block with id over 255, BUT you can use Decorators for that purpose edit, you CANT use
  12. model.render(par1Entity, par2, par2, par2, par2, par2, par2); dont jsut fill method with any argument you find :\ this will only appear if both you and the mob are at 0, 0, 0
  13. itemstack constructor isnt private, toStore was meant to be replaced with the itemstack you want to save :\
  14. the world class has 2 pretty handy method for your problem getBlockMetadata(x, y, z); setBlockMetadata(x, y,z ); use those and a switch (else if) to apply the effect you want to your block
  15. youre building it but after you try to use it i printed some generic code in a previous post, if you cant tell why its not a valid code you should maybe look into java basics
  16. you cant use a hammer before you make it
  17. oh... well you could use the RenderLivingEvent then, cancel the ones that are infected and manually render the infected version
  18. yeah you are the only that comes close to what you want to do is literally switch the block when x event happens, you cant make different meta reference different class, you could always put all those method within the same class though :\
  19. Block b = null; System.out.println("the block id is: "+b.blockID); b = new Block(50); you're initializing AFTER you are using it, like in the example above
  20. whats toStore in your case ?
  21. to what ?
  22. #notinitialized
  23. if(!bagpack.hasTagCompound()){ bagpack.stackTagCompoud = new NBtTagCompound(); } toStore.writeToNBT(bagpack.getTagCompound()); the first if create the compound if needed, then you can write for sure as you KNOW theres one
  24. well the way you are describing this it seems your mod is made for smp so yeah always use the real server software when testing stuff like this
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