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Everything posted by hydroflame

  1. meh, for the burger example, i would simply make a config files "id -> price" and if you want to check if something is installed: boolean economyPresent = false; try{ Class.forName("com.flenix.economy.Core") economyPresent = true; }catch(Exception e){ println("economy mod not present, skipping") } if(economyPresent){ loadEconomyMod() }
  2. are we talking about if else here ???
  3. interresting, we are similar yet somewhat different maybe (just maybe) we should cooperate ? my mod: http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,11435.0.html
  4. *facepalm* dont use tile entities for thsi kind of thing, you're just going to make your server lag a lot, use meta please
  5. this registers the icon/image its formed like this: "modid:imageName" in your case the modid is : "NonExistingTextures" which contains upper case letters also if you say @Mod(modid = "Wreck It Mod", name = "Wreck It Mod", version = "Version 1.0") then that mean your modid is "Wreck It Mod" and not "NonExistingTextures" so instead of "Wreck It Mod" or "NonExistingTextures" change both to "wreckitmod" the modid is not the mod name, so it wont show up anywhere visible to a normal player
  6. doesnt matter case 1: shouldUpdate(){ return false;} update(){} case 2: update(){} if we run: for case 1 if(te.shouldUpdate()){ update(); } is the exact same as doing for cas 2 te.update(); you're still calling a method and doign nothing actually case 1 would be even slower becuase it return a value that needs to be compared plus even if magicly we wern't calling update, we would still be screwed with the massive traffic jam caused by this
  7. modid cannot have upper case use code tag when required
  8. its not a question of its not codable, its a question of the algorythm isn't made for that. whenever you have a tile entity the server will send an extra packet containing the information. so if you have a mansion made of those and someone logs in ... well you have to send him .. 500-600 packets , at once ! so yeah lag will and can happen as well as many wasted cycle "updating" those tile entity (even theres nothign happening inside the update method, its still a lot of method call)
  9. yeah, youll have to bring it down to only 16 values per block...
  10. ~ meta + more block id, its a better solution
  11. ok, the thing is tile entity are expensive and what you are doign is nto very different from another aesthetic block (gosh this is probably not how you spell that) your idea is nice, but probably expensive as peoepl wil be placing hundred of those all around meaning the load time will be huge, specially on a remote server :\
  12. oooooh, fiouf ok but do you NEED a tile entity, because if its just the color cant you just use the meta ? ( i know its only 16 colour but it will be less cpu consuming :\ as well as require less network traffic)
  13. do you mean like in game the dirt can look red/blue/green ? if yes .. how are you savign that information ? tile entity ? side data strcuture ?
  14. the first error is the one you should be looking at in thsi case its a classnotfoundexception
  15. no sticky, not important enough, just use search next time also, equivalent : PacketDispatcher.sendPacket(new Packet3Message(String)); if you want bukkit like code:
  16. in this case no one cares and it shouldn't make a difference but in another example typing manually (also refered as "hardcoded") the id mean that everytime the iron door id changes you will have to manually change it. in this case the iron door id will probably never change so it technicly makes no difference. but hey if you don't want to follow convention and write crappy code, nobody is going to stop you...
  17. on the other hand you could make a coremods that increase the minimum interraction distance between you n the mobs so that the whole system takes care of that for your. the only thing is if you do that youll have to filter every other things to a smaller range (using event handlers)
  18. i KNEW mazetar woudl bring his higly detaileld quide. i just knew it
  19. is 1024 the number of textures or the size of them, if ots the size youre doing it wrong use IItemRenderer instead. unless your goal is to make your mod unplayable on low hardware
  20. well if the methods of block dont satisfy you then theres no scalable solution
  21. "noClip" is not goign to magicly make mobs swim on sand, youll need a looooot more code then just switchign that boolean
  22. yeah isbrh are always more performant then tesr becausetesr requires a tile entity. if you dont have one you cannot use tesr. in term of how much gpu computation they both require, its almost the same. technicly tesr will take a tiny bit more computation because you can add animation n stuff but in that sens you shouldnt worry about it.
  23. client side you DONT want a list of all players, store the mana in the client proxy and only for local player
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