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Forge Code God
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Posts posted by LexManos

  1. Official documentation: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/
    Absolute basics with an interactive editor: https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-java
    Ongoing online course with assignments: https://java-programming.mooc.fi/

    Eclipse IDE information: https://www.eclipse.org/getting_started/

    IntelliJ IDE Information: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/getting-started.html


    TLDR: Learn to do some research and dig into things on your own. We will not be giving you handouts here.

    We've told you several times where you should look. If you can't figure it out, you should read up on the above links to familiarize yourself with java, and your IDE.

  2. I don't care what you heard previously, you heard wrong.

    The ONLY reason to use this annotation {which triggers ASM hackery} is to prevent a hard crash.

    The ONLY reason there would be a hard crash is if someone tried to invoke your sided method, or reflectively resolve it.

    That would ONLY be a method that has a vanilla sided class IN ITS SIGNATURE.

    In both cases it is better to NOT do the stupid thing that causes the error then it is to rely on ASM hackery.


    If it's someone else doing it then yell at them to stop being stupid.


    If ALL else fails, and it's LITERALLY the last result, seriously "Dont use the other mod that is breaking shit" is 100x more preferred to ASM Hacks. Then ONLY use it on the specific method that is causing the error. Then sure use it. But 99.99999999999999999999999999999% of the time using sane coding practices beats relying on ASM Hackery.

  3. No, You should NEVER be using these annotations.

    Not even for your rendering code.

    Not even if the overridden method has it.


    If you run into sided issues, bypass it using proper side checks.

    If you never call the client side code, on the dedicated server, it doesn't matter if the classes are in your jar.


    If some other mod/code reflectively access your class in the one specific case where you have a method with a sided class in your signature. Then there can be issues. However those issues are on the side of whomever is reflecting into you unnecessarily.


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  4. Minecraft is copywritten code and publishing their decompiled source is illegal. We do not support you doing it.

    The toolchain Forge has is specifically designed to keep things like that at arms length but also give you a local copy to reference it.


  5. Those commands are fine, and the problem with renaming things that already have names is that it fucks up other people's workspaces when they update and makes it a pain to find what was changed.

    But that doesnt actually stop you from renaming things. Just don't be an ass about it and name things correctly.

    And like I freaking said, the mappings are downloaded from maven.


    Seriously, you've already hacked around things and made a 'custom FG' but can't understand the basics of setting up a maven repo in your buildscript...

    Anyways, this has nothing to do with Forge.

    You can already use custom mappings.

    And it's a case where you're just willfully doing things the incorrect way.

    So gunna close this.

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