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Forge Code God
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Posts posted by LexManos

  1. Stop telling people how to do hacky things.

    Forge's data pack SHOULD be directly between vanilla's and modder's so modders should be able to override anything Forge ships just like they can override vanilla.

    If this is not the case, then we may need to backport the changes from 1.15.2, as I know this works on the 1.15 branch.

  2. If you are getting this error then the minecraft source is being compiled with Java 9+

    There is no other possible option.

    You can add standard java code to dump the current jvm version in the build process if you want to.


    But as I said, just update your damn version of forge and itll be fixed no matter what version of java you use to compile. As I added a workaround for this specific thing. https://github.com/MinecraftForge/ForgeFlower/commit/4ac0f021a09f3f4e77da2f80f37f19409979b915


  3. The config system for older versions was removed as it needs to be re-written, however, the version in which that screenshot is running both has a working gui system if the mod itself enables it, and is so old that it is no longer supported on the forum. So.. thread locked.

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