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Forge Code God
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Posts posted by LexManos

  1. This is caused by you either screwing up the install, or not running the server correctly.

    The issue is that java can not find the vanilla server jar file. 

    It needs to be in the same directory as you run the server, named exactly how vanilla names the jar file.

    Which is why, that is exactly what the installer does.

    There isn't much we can do about it but ask you for more information.

    If you followed instructions on installing, and ran the server normally it will work.

    Calling our staff assholes is just a way to get banned. So.. Enjoy the ban.

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  2. Its not the same file, yours is 2747 his is 2750.

    The hashes are right, so they are legit files.

    Seems like Cyren is throwing a false positive. It's trying to detect a generic 'file dropper'. Which is well.. what an installer is. So they are being over zealus.

    Forge DOES NOT contain viruses. Everything Forge related is OpenSource you can verify things yourself.


    And it seems like Cyren's website is down for the count, so there isn't anything I can do to report their false positives.

  3. Ads as a nessasary evil. Running forge costs money. The direct links are there for those who dont trust adfocus. And the ability to report malicious ads has existed for ages, and we do take them seriously. Beyond that, if you want to move twards a world without adfocus, then chip in to the patreon.


    Untill then, this is how we have to do it.

    • Thanks 1
  4. As I said the 'use' of specifying a factory is to allow you to get around the hacky reflection requiring a single constructor with only a world argument.

    It's better code.

    And again, just because you registered the same class to multiple names, doesn't mean anyone can figure out what name you used to create the entity.

    Everything is based on class. 

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  5. As I said in the "issue" report. No, you can't use the same class for "similar entities" like this.

    Think it through logically, how would anything from the outside know which constructor/parameters you used to create your entity?

    Do you see any .getUsedConstructorFactory() on the entity? Do we force you to pass in the factory to your constructor and up the chain of Entity? No.

    The Constructor Factories are just a cleaner solution to the reflection that used to be done.

    This is just how the system works, there is no generic way to identify the 'type' of a entity except for the class. 

    If you want sub-types then you can use SpawnData.



  6. Quit the speculation. Ama is the one holding things back with the delay in FG3. Then cpw will port whats his rewritten modloader stuff from his 1.12 branch, and then we start on Forge. There is no hidden conspiracy to delay things from getting to you. Shit just takes time (admitadly, ama is taking way more time then he should and its starting to annoy me as well, but whatever)


    As for Optifine, its "70% done" because the guy is using the work input into mcpconfig and backporting it to the old tool chain so he can do all his jarmodding. This is not something you as a general user should do as you need to understand what youre doing. And the tools are being rewritten so that they can deal with the the things that have changed in the years since minecraft modding began. 

    • Thanks 2
  7. [13:12:45] [Server thread/WARN] [FML]: Forge Mod Loader detected missing/unknown registrie(s).

    There are 6 missing registries in this save.
    If you continue the missing registries will get removed.
    This may cause issues, it is advised that you create a world backup before continuing.

    Missing Registries:

    Run the command /fml confirm or or /fml cancel to proceed.
    Alternatively start the server with -Dfml.queryResult=confirm or -Dfml.queryResult=cancel to preselect the answer.

  8. You should never need to extract Forge.

    The 404 you're getting is INTENTIONAL.

    It's there because the launcher can't automatically install Forge.

    If the game loads and you see the mod button then you're fine. If it doesn't post a full log.

    However, what you can to clean things up is just delete your versions folder.

    Then re-run the forge installer to recreate everything.

    The log you showed of the installer says that everything ran fine, so you should be good to go.

  9. 1.8.9 is no longer supported on this forum.

    And neither is comparing Forge, or Vanilla to Optifine.

    Forge does more work then v does and thus there is a slight performance hit over vanilla. 
    However it should not be noticeable to anyone.

    I will not allow 'performance' witch hunts on this forum. If you have a real issue come with real profiling statistics. Not MC's meaningless f3 screen.


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