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Posts posted by LexManos

  1. Yes, it was shut down due to progress on the front end not being made. And the server costing way to much to run.

    It however served its purpose, to some extent. It gave us the stats we needed to know that <J7 was pretty much useless. 

    But then Mojang bumped to J8 in 1.12.2, which means we could as well. So whatever..

    But ya it was a experiment, it failed due to many reasons.

    If you still have it installed it doesn't send any data anywhere so you're good. 

  2. public static final Capability<IMentalTemperature> MentalTemperature_CAP = null;
    private IMentalTemperature instance = MentalTemperature_CAP.getDefaultInstance();


    That code turns into this:


    public static final Capability<IMentalTemperature> MentalTemperature_CAP;
    private IMentalTemperature instance;
    static {
        MentalTemperature_CAP = null;
        instance = MentalTemperature_CAP.getDefaultInstance();


    Now, when you see that, isn't the issue OBVIOUS!?! MentalTemprature_CAP WILL ALWAYS BE NULL when you try to call it to set instance. (Also resisting urge to yell at you about code style)

    @CapabilityHolders are only populated when someone registers a capability.

    That's the entire freaking point. It's a soft dependency on that class.

    1st) You're trying to make a soft dependacy so making a field of that exist type is not recommended. So instance should be Object. 

    2nd) You should delay creating that instance until it's needed, Or until you are told that that capability exists. You can annotate a method with @CapabilityInject and a single argument of a CapabilityHolder and it'll be called whenever that apropriate cap is registered.

  3. Show screenshots of your launcher.

    Show screenshots of your profile settings.

    Show screenshots of everything you're looking at.

    To make sure you're in the proper MC folder, Start minecraft, go to options -> resource packs -> open resource pack folder.

    That'll be in your Minecraft Dir.

    Its a simple thing, you're not running the game where you think you're running the game.

  4. 4 minutes ago, lampad said:

    Hmm, I see. The problem is I don't want the resulting item the recipe produces to create additional items, I want one of the input ingredients back as a result of completing the recipe.`

    Thats literally the point of Item's container item.

    Do as I said. Just go try it out before complaining you don't understand it.

  5. No, it you look at your PR you have a getRemainingItems and you even call getContainerItem. This has nothing to do with the getResult function. 

    Seriously... make a item, call item.setContainerItem(item)

    Make a recipe that takes that item, and outputs a stick using the STANDARD shapeless recipe.

    And try it in game.

    It'll be a item that gives you infinite sticks.

    Go try it.


    The Container class, which is inside the inventroy package. Has nothing to do with the Item or crafting. No you don't extend it. Basic java here the Container class does not extend a Item so.. its not a item... I can understand your confusion a little bit, they use the same word. But beyond that they are not related at all and you should look at how its used.

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