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Forge Code God
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Posts posted by LexManos

  1. There is for when you load it in Forge.

    Vanilla doesn't know nore care which is what hes complaining about.

    That's on Mojang.

    We've told him to use separate game directories. He thinks thats not good enough.

    Anyways dont bump old threads.

  2. Your "mini-utility' is a unknown random binary file that if we are to trust the source you linked does nothing more then copies a few files and runs a command.

    If we don't trust your source, it could do all kinds of malicious things.

    If a modder can not manage that on his they shouldn't be modding.

    So no, your post isn't allowed here.

  3. You installed Forge which is the issue you originally had, so thats solved.

    You then mentioned a second crash without following the directions in the EAQ of showing us what the crash was/including your logs.

    So for all we know you crashes because solar flares excited the electrons in your computer room causing the aurora borealis completely localized in the section of your hard drive that held minecraft.

  4. On 3/27/2018 at 2:33 PM, diesieben07 said:

    Run the vanilla Minecraft version you are trying to install Forge for once

    FYI this hasn't been necessary for quite some time. The mojang launcher will download the vanilla version for us.

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