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Posts posted by LexManos

  1. 5 hours ago, BossCow said:

    well 1.8 has better pvp then 1.9 cause its stupid and 1.8 has better pvp mods soooooooooooooooooo yeah.

    We don't care. Its several years out of date, you're not gunna get support from us.

    You broke something on your end, we're not gunna help you because its old.

  2. It works yes, but it causes other chunks to be loaded. 

    You can see here for more information here

    But basically in this case, you problem is your setBlock doesn't have any flags passed in so it notifies the neighbors of the change, which if you're on a chunk border loads the other chunk.

    • Like 1
  3. Don't ping me, you can, but you shouldn't as thats just causing a fork in the community.

    Its actually simple if you look into it But we leave it to the advanced users who can read the build system/workspace and understand what they are doing.

    Beyond that, who says that PR is dead? Is it closed?

    PRs that are remaining open need more discussion and interest from the community not 'Fuck it ill fork the shit myself and screw trying to keep end users lives straight'

  4. 35 minutes ago, Aarilight said:

    I'm only using a simple recipe for testing, the recipes I'm actually using code for are much more complicated, things I don't expect I'll be able to do with the json format. I'll take a look when I get to converting the recipes to json, 

    Ya, if you cant do it with json you're using the json wrong.

    And that isn't hyperbole, the json can LITERALLY do everything code can.

    Its just a matter of if it's intended to do that or not.

    If you find a case where you cant do something let us know and we can expand the functionality, that's kinda the point of Forge.


    37 minutes ago, Aarilight said:

    I guess it's about time I use an IDE that supports debugging java...... it'll probably help me solve issues like this way easier >.>

    People don't make IDEs for shits and giggles, they are really powerful tools...

    • Like 1
  5. "It doesn't happen in vanilla!" *links to video of it happening in vanilla*

    Really dude?

    Anyways most likely it is an issue with your desktop res combined with any enlarging you have going on through windows.

    There insn't much we can do about it. LWJGL thinks your screen is bigger/different then it is. Make sure you lower your screen rez and set the scaling to 100% in windows.

  6. You should also never statically construct your blocks/items.

    So really you need to go through and cleanup your code.

    Yes, it's work, but you should do it.


    @Draco18sThere IS reason to use @ObjectHolder for your own items, that his current method doesn't support. OVERRIDES. If anyone comes along and says "Screw you I want to override the functionality of your item" then you just silently detect and use it. This way doesn't support that.

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