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Forge Code God
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Posts posted by LexManos

  1. Just as a note, when you install Forge you will see 3 'mods' installed. Forge, FML, and MCP. The FML/MCP mods are there just to give credit where credit is due as those are projects necessary to create Forge. They are not actual mods that run anything. Just entries in the mod list to be nice and give credit. {Well, FML runs things, but its all the Forge project now}

  2. Post your full log file, and show exactly how you're running the jar.

    Installing the client to the %AppData%/.minecraft folder (which is a hidden folder by default) is intended. As thats where the launcher looks for things.

    Installing the server can be done anywhere.

    *something* you're doing is telling the game to look into the D drive. We do not know what.

  3. 1) Don't not for 1.10, you should always be on the the latest mc version

    2) don't use mcp, that's only for advanced people with explicit need for it

    3) there is no thing as smc I'm going to assume you meant src and that has been outdated for years. Everything is i n a proper package now.

    4) you NEED to know the basic of java, your use, and how to run commands before nodding. So start there.

  4. There is no legacy compatibility issues if Minecraft itself forces the change. Such as the >64 and lcasing as they did in 1.12.2. Stop being a smartass.

    And no, there is no good way to determine if you're in a 'Dev environment' If you find a way that is 100% reliable and doesn't rely on hacky hacky shit. Then sure we can think about it because A LOT of things could use a Dev Time explosions.

  5. 1 minute ago, bardkin said:

    And yes, the only thing it shows for connecting is that it is connected, but then it times out. The forge log wouldn't show those errors necessarily.

    The Forge log WOULD show those errors are networking errors such as that are logged.

    But if thats the case then you seem to of given us the wrong computer's log files.

    But if as you say that you have been using this setup fine for over a year, and haven't changed anything Forge or Mod wise. Then its something else thats the issue.

    New version of your firewall, or AV blocking things possibly. The launcher shouldn't have anything to do with it as at the end of the day you're just launching the same game.

  6. Your JSON looks fine, and should load fine. Or error if its not the proper syntax.

    Its more likely that you're not loading it at all because the file isn't in the right spot.

    If you're using a IDE be sure to clean the workspace and make sure it rebuilds the 'bin' version.

    Eitherwise, post your source/exact paths/etc.

    And yes, you should use a longer more unique domain name.

  7. The 404 errors are perfectly fine and inteded, if you can launch the game then we need the FML logs.

    And reading the ones you provided:
    [11:45:22] [main/INFO] [FML/]: Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.11.2 loading

    You should update to 1.12.2


    The rest of your log isn't useful. It doesn't show anyone trying to connect, or the 'opening to lan' message.

  8. Seriously, Use the event not the static registries. Timing of registration is important. So stop doing it in random places. I was tempted to name the event 'RegisterYourStuffHereAndStopBreakingEverythingElseSeriouslyStopRegisteringYourCrapInRandomPlacesItBreaksThingsAndHoldsUsBackFromBeingAbleToDoCoolThingsThatWeveBeenWantingToDoForFourYearsNow' but I decided against that as it was a bit long ;)

    • Like 5
  9. Yes, in the event.

    Before anything can be run in a class, it must first run a special <cinit> function which will run all the code needed to populate the static fields {or custom cinit methods you add}

    The problem is this line:

    public static final CookingMeal FRIES = new CookingMeal("fries", "Fries").setIngredients(2, Items.POTATO, Itemizer.SALT).setValues(new int[]{1, 2}, new int[]{2, 4});

    So first it calls CookingMeal, which calls setResourceName, but since the class is being statically initialized it isn't claimed as your mods code yet. So it'll throw the warning.

    Then it also accesses Itemizer.SALT, but in order to know what that field is, it has to run THAT class's static internalizer. Which is all of this crap: https://github.com/Oeku/RPG-Mod/blob/master/src/main/java/net/zeldadungeons/init/Itemizer.java#L43-L76

    Which calls a boat load of other classes initalizers. 

    Stop doing that.


    Only create your Blocks/Items/Whatever in the Register event. If you want to use static final fields, use @ObjectHolder that's what its designed for.

    Or you could use a normal field thats non final and populate it in the Register event.



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