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I have been working on recipes for my mod and have come across two errors. ERROR ONE: [19:38:01] [Render thread/ERROR] [minecraft/RecipeManager]: Parsing error loading recipe echoingend:gazite_block Map entry 'A' : Failed to parse either. First: Input does...
I am wanting my block to be used as fuel but I am not sure how. How would I do this? Here is my code for reference: public static final RegistryObject<Block> BLOCK_OF_FIREWOOD = registerBlock("block_of_firewood", () -> new Block(BlockBehaviour.Properties.copy(Blocks.STRIPPED...
Hello, and happy new year! I've returned to modding while on break from work, and cannot make heads or tails of the method for setting the correct tool for breaking a custom block. This should be a simple affair, but after digging through the vanilla files, all I could find was assets/data/...
I have been working on a complex block for a mod I'm working on. This block is really unfinished right now, but there is this strange bug that is hindering progress. Basically, this block has a single slot where you put a specific item, then there are three "buttons" on the right like the Encha...
i need help making a block generate an explosion im new to modding so i dont know how to do it.
how to make animated doors?, maybe geckolib, but i don't know how to code it?
I am following a tutorial at youtube and at the part where it is made loot tables for block drops, it dosn't work for me, the blocks that I made dosn't drop anything in survival, everything else works as intended, the link is the git hub repository for the code
I'm coding a mod that adds placeable Gunpowder into the game, which behaves similarly to Redstone in terms of placing. I also want it to be flammable, so that it can be used as a fuse. However, the default fire spreading behaviour works well for this - the blocks ignite randomly, and they can burn o...
Hi, I was wondering how to make a "screenspace texture" like the background of the end portal (not including the moving stars). This is an example of what I want: I have taken a look at the vanilla shader files, but I don't know how to use the effect for myself. Any help would be great,
Hey so I'm really new to Java/Minecraft, coding, as I've followed a few tutorials on YouTube for the Minecraft side of java, But I've been trying to figure out how I can make a custom coal block to be smeltable? I have the "coal" object itself ready and working, but I haven't been able to find a way...
So I'm trying to get my custom enchantment book to spawn in vanilla loot table chests like jungle temple or desert pyramid, which it'll spawn the enchantment book inside the chest, but it wont have the actual enchantment provided This is for Forge 1.20.1 on intellij, I'm still a very new...
Hello! So I made a custom bed, but the issue is that Villagers don't recognise it and don't sleep in it? Do you know how can I make it work?if Mixins are the answer can you teach me how I can make them work in 1.20.1 and in my case Thank you!
I'm make a new Forge mod in version 1.20.1 and add a block to game but texture is shoeing good in my inventory but don't show in Placed block if it is a bug?
Improper Models and Textures for Pointed Dripstone Block
Wicked3Dee posted a topic in Modder Support
I'm creating a custom block using the 1.20.2 version of the Forge MDK, and this block is basically supposed to be identical to the Pointed Dripstone block in terms of model and behavior, just with a different texture and name. I would use a texture pack for this, but this is just one feature I'm add... -
I am coding the mod using Intellij community edition with the Adoptium sdk 17 download, all the models i have made using Blockbench, the minecraft version is 1.20.4 and the forge version is 49.0.30. I am trying to make a medieval furnace and i have made the model exceed the 1 block so i have made 3...
Hello, I'm trying to make all of the modded blocks to update their states once, or have a conversion for the blockstates. Meaning I have a saved world with the old blockstates, and now in the newer update on which I'm working the states have been changed to work the same but more effective (lower st...
I have a block already registered in my mod, which I have used in some worlds. The problem arises when in code, I add a property called CURRENT_AGE, when running Minecraft it freezes. In the console it doesn't appear any excpetion except that it stays in this phase: [Render thread/DEBUG] [ne.mi.c...
Hi, I'm having an issue with my block entities (it's currently two) where the model isn't rendering correctly. Not only is there no texture, but the custom model also isn't there; it appears as the standard Minecraft square. I'm not sure why this is happening, because I used the exact same method fo...
I have a variant type of dirt and would like to be able to till it into farmland. For texture and behaviour reasons, it needs to be a separate block (e.g. revert back to the variant dirt), so I cannot just have it become farmland. I would like to be able to plant vanilla crops, such as wheat, p...