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Where to view update progress?


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I'm just wondering if I'm watching the correct for the updated forge version. As soon as forge is updated it will be posted in the "Releases" Forum here on mincraftforge.net, correct?!

running minecraft on Mac OS X - Sierra --- creating code since 1986 ... --- मेरा दिल भारतवासी है!

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Yes, I plan on doing a final version for 1.2.5 just as a wrap up.

Then starting working on 1.3. When it's ready for release i'll post a official release.

Please do not ask 'omg is this build for 1.3.1?!?!?!', When the builds start for 1.3.1 it'll be in the commit log :P

If you really wanna see the latest info, you should watch GitHub

Forge ModLoader Commits

Forge Commits


I changed the thread title to something less... stupid...

Hopefully this allows people to see what is going on, and when.

There are A LOT of new changes coming in 1.3.1 for Forge specifically.

Combined with the fact that the air show is this weekend, meaning I have to be out of my house {and away from the computer} during about 12 hours each day. {Sleep/household crap take up at least 10 of the remaining}

Means that this Forge update will take some time.


However, as a rough guess, a preliminary version should be out by monday or tuesday.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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I'd been wondering about when the next update was expected myself but didn't want to come out and pester anyone about it, because I know how annoying that is.


Good to know that we should be able to begin updating mods within a week. I'll be keeping an eye on it.

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i re-read that 3 times just to make sure.


can u clarify 1 thing?


However, as a rough guess, a preliminary version should be out by Monday or Tuesday.


do you mean 1.2.5 update or 1.3.1 forge update?


*bows down to the mod god* :)


Humbly awaiting your reply




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they really should have put more time between the pre-release and official release of 1.3, they simply changed the basecode to much for such a short time between them, especially for a major API like forge!

Being noobish since 96, being dumb since birth!

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Kinniken, 1.3 Forge will be almost a compleetly different API.

But should be layed out in such a way that it's fairly intuitive how to merge over.

For example, we are dropping the whole Interface based event system for a annotation based one.

Which will make for a lot cleaner code Mod side.


public void myLogin(LoginEvent event){


public class MyLoginHandler implements IConnectionHandler{
   public void onConnect(blah){}
   public void onDisconnect(blah){}
   public void onLogin(blah){


As well as some long standing bugfixes/feature enchancements.

This is a compleete re-write of Forge pretty much :P

If you look at the repo you can see the first bits of this taking shape.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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Modloader just released for 1.3.1 in less than a week so it looks like it's not THAT hard to update your mod, but it depends on what stuff you have inside the mod.


If I'm correct, Forge should be out tomorrow or Tuesday for 1.3.1?


Kinniken, 1.3 Forge will be almost a compleetly different API.

But should be layed out in such a way that it's fairly intuitive how to merge over.

For example, we are dropping the whole Interface based event system for a annotation based one.

Which will make for a lot cleaner code Mod side.


public void myLogin(LoginEvent event){


public class MyLoginHandler implements IConnectionHandler{
   public void onConnect(blah){}
   public void onDisconnect(blah){}
   public void onLogin(blah){


As well as some long standing bugfixes/feature enchancements.

This is a compleete re-write of Forge pretty much :P

If you look at the repo you can see the first bits of this taking shape.


How does these annotation things work? So far I only know the @Override annotation but I can't seem to grasp how custom annotation can replace Forge's old implementation system...

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Read up on Guava's EventBus, http://docs.guava-libraries.googlecode.com/git/javadoc/com/google/common/eventbus/package-summary.html

And basic annotations, google

I based the general concept for the Forge EventBus off Guavas, but for speed reasons went a completely different route implementation wise.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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Read up on Guava's EventBus, http://docs.guava-libraries.googlecode.com/git/javadoc/com/google/common/eventbus/package-summary.html

And basic annotations, google

I based the general concept for the Forge EventBus off Guavas, but for speed reasons went a completely different route implementation wise.


Hmm seems pretty complicated but it looks like a more effective system. Can't wait to use it without the need of implementing all these interfaces you've used to have and registering all of them.

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Just some questions about MC 1.3.1. Do you need to write code for both the minecraft source and minecraft_server source for it to work? Is the minecraft_server.jar a basically stripped down version of the minecraft.jar removing all client features? Do I need to write code for both the server and client for it to function or does the client have to include server code in itself when running "single player"?


Also Lex, is you EventBus system usable by other mods too? Let's say I've a mod that has a bunch of add-ons for it and I want to use these EventBust Listener things. Can I simply use the Forge's even bus or do I have to make one myself?

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Well, I decompiled 1.3.1 using the latest mc and found a class named net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer on the client side. That#s pretty clear, isn't it. So yes, the server is fully contained in the client.


Oh. Wait so I have to write my tileEntities so the tile entities would send packets to itself?

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Well, I decompiled 1.3.1 using the latest mc and found a class named net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer on the client side. That#s pretty clear, isn't it. So yes, the server is fully contained in the client.

Yes, and No, its nto FULLY contained as all the codepath used for actually launching the server is not in MC. AE: MinecraftServer.main() and anything related to the server GUI.

Which is well, annoying.


As for what you need to do for tile entities, yes, you need to make it so that they send things to themselves as you're not really sending to yourself you're sending to a different instance of the tile entity, in a compleetly different world. It just HAPPENS to be in the same process.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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Well, I decompiled 1.3.1 using the latest mc and found a class named net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer on the client side. That#s pretty clear, isn't it. So yes, the server is fully contained in the client.

Yes, and No, its nto FULLY contained as all the codepath used for actually launching the server is not in MC. AE: MinecraftServer.main() and anything related to the server GUI.

Which is well, annoying.


As for what you need to do for tile entities, yes, you need to make it so that they send things to themselves as you're not really sending to yourself you're sending to a different instance of the tile entity, in a compleetly different world. It just HAPPENS to be in the same process.


Lol I get it. It sounds awkward sending to yourself (when actually you are sending to yourself in another network). Thanks.

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Well, I decompiled 1.3.1 using the latest mc and found a class named net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer on the client side. That#s pretty clear, isn't it. So yes, the server is fully contained in the client.

Yes, and No, its nto FULLY contained as all the codepath used for actually launching the server is not in MC. AE: MinecraftServer.main() and anything related to the server GUI.

Which is well, annoying.


As for what you need to do for tile entities, yes, you need to make it so that they send things to themselves as you're not really sending to yourself you're sending to a different instance of the tile entity, in a compleetly different world. It just HAPPENS to be in the same process.


Lol I get it. It sounds awkward sending to yourself (when actually you are sending to yourself in another network). Thanks.

Imagine it as cross-dimensional mail.

Writes letter to self.

Mails letter.


Self in other dimension receives letter! :D

So, what would happen if I did push that shiny red button over there? ... Really? ... Can I try it? ... Damn.

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Just giving a heads up, im going to go to bed here in a few, got the bulk off all the old patches applied to 1.3

Got the bulk of all the old code shifted over as well.

Need to speak with cpw about a few design things, as stuff like NetworkMod and other small Forge features are moving to FML.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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Glad to see the API being progressed quickly. Obviously take your time, rushed code causes more problems then the wait for its release. :)


In terms of it being a sort of re-write like you mentioned, will there be many new hooks for us to inherit? and if so what kinds of new features can we expect?

Don't list them all obviously if there's too many, maybe just a select few you think will be particularly popular.




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