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[1.7.2] Qadom - Classic Roleplaying Mod [v1.0.0]


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Version 1.0.0 is ready, go to:





The old post is in the spoiler..



Qadom 0.4.5


This is an adventure mod. Meaning that it aims to deepen the adventure mode experience. Working well both for single and multiplayer.

It features a minimized character advancement system. At the core mechanics is a level system, where one character level is gained for each 10 xp levels.

Each gained character level also grant additional benefits. At the very least the character level sets also the minimum xp level, thus a level one player will immediately gain one xp level upon respawing or whenever else the xp level drops below the character level. Maximun health is also increased by one for each level. Lastly, each character level gives one point to spend on one of tree attributes; strength, speed and mana.


Before going deeper into the attributes some other changed game mechanics has to be explained. First, the player has now an additional need to fulfill, drinking. He has to dring once a day or suffer the effects of dehydration. Dehydration will cause immediate starvation and dropping the maximum food level to 8,5. There are multiple ways to satisfy thirst, any potion, bottle of water, cauldron or if right clicked with an empty hand also still and running water will count as drinking.


Worn armor causes encumbrance, leather the least and diamond the most, and it reduces the players movement speed.


Torches placed in the world will start a random tick counter for each and at some point the torch will burn out. A burned out torch can be reignited with flint and steel.

Placing torches in creative mode will work normally (torches will burn forever).


Back to the attributes.


Strength will give additional attack damage and a reduction to encumbrance effects.


Speed will give addtional movement speed and a chance at lockpicking.


Mana will set the players maximum mana level. It also enables spellcasting which requires additional explaining.


Casting spells requires more work than just increasing the mana attribute. First of all spells can be only obtained in spellbooks and spellscrolls and these can only be found in dungeon, pyramid and stronghold chests. After that an altar has to be constructed by combining one block of planks, five blocks of black wool and a golden sword in the crafting table. When the altar is placed in the world the area in a radius of 16 will become a temple in the game mechanics. A player within the temple space will start regaining mana up to his maximum. The altar also serves as the crafting table for spells. Each spell requires at least one spell component, but it also requires the possession of a spellbook or scroll that contains that spell. The book or scroll has to remain in the inventory of the player when crafting but they are not required parts of the crafting recipe. Once the spell is crafted the player can use the spell by consuming it as any other consumable item (food, potion). Using the spell will be possible only if the players current mana level is high enough, as casting it will consume some mana. Mana can also be stored in emerald at the altar, turning them to mana crystals. Using a mana crystal will restore one mana and turn the crystal back to a normal emerald.


Other additions that dont really have to do with the core mechanics are: random graves with a chance to spawn ghosts (similar to witches in witchhouses), a few new food items including a roast that can be placed in the world (like the cake), spears with a special ranged attack, chain mails craftable from iron stick (4 from one ingot), keys, locks and lockpicks for doors and chests, some other decorative blocks like chalice, cencer, lantern and chair (that can be seated).


Worth also noting is that the 1 to 16 lowest blocks directly under the spawnpoint will be an enclosed bedrock room for the purpose of housing command blocks in the creation of adventure maps.


But this is just the first preview with the core mechanics implemented. Now the development will shift towards world generation and quest making tools (more about that later...).


And since this is the first release it also features the high probability for performance issues and bugs.


Playtest Server: minecraft.tomodomo.org


Minecraft 1.6.4 compatible version:

This version is built on Forge (minecraftforge-installer-1.6.4-

Download: qadom-0.4.5.zip



Minecraft 1.6.2 compatible version:

This version is built on Forge (Recommended build for 1.6.2).

Download: qadom-0.3.2.zip




This mod is built on Forge (Recommended build) and i will spend the rest of the week here troubleshooting and updating it as necessary.

Download: qadom-0.3.2.zip


Change log




- Added more features to dungeon generation.


- Improved quest/structure generation.


- Fixed lots of worldgen crashes.


- Fixed a worldgen crash.

- Added scriptable dungeons.


- Update to 1.6.4

- Added dungeon world structure generator


- Misc bugfixes

- New spell: wizards trap


- Bugfixes

- First quest prototype


- Bugfixes


- Fixed spellbooks not readable since 0.2.6.


- All multiplayer issues fixed.


- More multiplayer fixes.


- Fixed multiplayer crashes.




And now some screenshots...




width=800 height=449http://jupiter.planeetta.com/~iowarrior/1.png[/img]


The command block room:

width=800 height=435http://jupiter.planeetta.com/~iowarrior/2.png[/img]


Altar and other decorative items:

width=800 height=435http://jupiter.planeetta.com/~iowarrior/4.png[/img]


Sources to drink and food items:

width=800 height=435http://jupiter.planeetta.com/~iowarrior/7.png[/img]


Writable papers (turns to normal scrolls not spellscrolls):

width=800 height=435http://jupiter.planeetta.com/~iowarrior/8.png[/img]


Lockable objects and related items:

width=800 height=435http://jupiter.planeetta.com/~iowarrior/9.png[/img]


Spears and chain mail components:

width=800 height=435http://jupiter.planeetta.com/~iowarrior/10.png[/img]



width=800 height=435http://jupiter.planeetta.com/~iowarrior/12.png[/img]


Altar and mana crystals:

width=800 height=435http://jupiter.planeetta.com/~iowarrior/14.png[/img]


A grave:

width=800 height=435http://jupiter.planeetta.com/~iowarrior/19.png[/img]


.. and under the soulsand:

width=800 height=435http://jupiter.planeetta.com/~iowarrior/20.png[/img]


.. in the chest:

width=800 height=435http://jupiter.planeetta.com/~iowarrior/21.png[/img]




Original post:



First of all, this is my first post here, been around for about a month, in that time produced a bit over 300kb of code, have an awesome mod coming up, all thanks to the great forge tools and this community, thanks!


Anyway to the point which is the mod.


We spent about half a year designing the core principles, prototyping with only command blocks and all the time kept running into the limitations there. We made a decision to wait for the upcoming 1.6.2 release for vanilla, and then for the update to forge. Well that happened and im totally blown by the power and beauty of forge. Anyways, we really got some good brainstorming during the time while waiting for the right moment to start modding and we have a really promising and well designed mod coming up in full steam.


The mod will focus on some classic roleplaying aspects (inspired quite lot from such as AD&D) with a good amount of simplifying to better suit minecraft. We have a simple level system, simple attribute system, quite nice spellcasting system, new monsters and items, etc..


We dont want to release any preview yet, instead work for a good polished first release. But we are only two persons working on it, one involved in only designing and me in both design and code. Even though we try to keep everything as simple as possible thing just tend to grow out of hands. So im asking if there would be anyone interested in getting involved, especially artists but also programmers could share some of my work?


Of course anyone interested will get some more detailed description and preview of what we are doing at the moment.


I would love to give something more substantial right now but even though most of the core mechanics are done and tested we lack a bit in the amount of content we want to build upon that, so we all just have to wait a bit...


Artists, Programmers and Testers; please reply (post, PM or something) and lets see weather we could bring this up together.







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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh My God!  This mod is even better than I had imagined!  Seriously, this looks amazing and is something I have been looking for for a long time, haha.  I have a couple questions, if you don't mind...


1) Will the mod be compatible with both Survival mode AND Adventure mode?

2) What sorts of spells are implemented/planned?

3) How easy will it be, if at all possible, to make modifications to things like weapon/spell damage, armor values, stat levels, and any other variables?

4) You mentioned Ghosts, but what other creatures are planned?  Do you have any boss creatures in the works?

5) Do you expect to be able to support MC 1.7 or newer versions very easily?

6) What sorts of mods will conflict with this one?  Which sorts of mods shouldn't?


Huh.. That seems to be a bit more than a couple questions, haha.  Sorry about that!  :-X  Anyway, I'll be downloading and testing soon! :D  Thank you!

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Haha, glad you like it, a lot of effort has been put to it.  Ill try to answer those questions :)


1) Will the mod be compatible with both Survival mode AND Adventure mode?

Technically it works in any mode, just that all the inspiration has been founded from playing in adventure mode. Especially regarding all the tool restrictions. So i would recommend start playing it in adventure mode without the bonus chest. Thats right, no tools to start with. The player will receive levelup rewards as he progresses. When he first enters the world he will technically levelup at 0, and that reward is a wooden sword, player guide and a map. He should the try to survive with only that until he reaches 10 xp, gain level 1 and get as reward the wooden axe among a few other rewarding items. (There are plenty of ways to do it and even a legit way of getting wood without the axe if one really starts to think about it... ;))


In creative mode some things work differently. Placing torches will be normal, in survival and adventure they become torches that burn out. Also trying to open a locked door or chest in creative mode will notify the player with a chat message the required key code. I think ill put another post explaining the keys and locks.


2) What sorts of spells are implemented/planned?

Implemented so far:

  • Magic Missile
  • Fireball
  • Summon Lightning
  • Drain Life
  • Burning Hands
  • Light
  • Night Vision
  • Calm (undead)
  • Invisibility
  • Breathe Water
  • Fire Resistance
  • Flight
  • Feather Fall
  • Shield
  • Summon Skeleton
  • Summon Zombie
  • Summon Ghost
  • Healing


3) How easy will it be, if at all possible, to make modifications to things like weapon/spell damage, armor values, stat levels, and any other variables?

Some values are already modifiable and disableable in a config file. Once the mod loads up first time it extracts some script files including the config into folder 'mods/qadom/scripts/js'.

When i get enough feedback of things players want to modify i can add that.


4) You mentioned Ghosts, but what other creatures are planned?  Do you have any boss creatures in the works?

Definitely has been planned but has been a lower priority. The ghost served as a study in how to do it, when time permits more will come. As said effort will shift now towards world creation, npcs and quests.


5) Do you expect to be able to support MC 1.7 or newer versions very easily?



6) What sorts of mods will conflict with this one?  Which sorts of mods shouldn't?

Well, as this doesn't touch vanilla code it should be quite safe. But to be honest i haven't tested with other mods so cant say for sure.

No parts of vanilla minecraft has been messed around with except changing the max potion stack size from 1 to 16 (and there was a way to do it without modifying minecraft code).

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Quick Bug Report:


Apparently crashes with forge




The server seems to run with an empty mod folder and that version of forge, so I don't know if there's some other incompatibility there.  I'm also new to forge/bukkit/administration, so it could just be that a newer version of forge can't work with mods that use an older version, haha.  Anyway, included the server.log and the crash report it generated. :)

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Yeah, i notice that. And like you said similarities but also differencies. It all essentially gets down to this one question. We aim to deepen the adventure experience by not just adding a lot of stuff on top of it. Instead small subtle changes and new challenges, and the extra stuff like spells, to keep that hard to obtain and balanced enough to not break the other gameplay. But i do look for team members because there are a lot of areas to work on. Maybe we should have a chat (skype or similar) to see if our views meet. From what i understood you planned on a MMO type mod, could be that we have similar goals but could be that we aim at different things too. So i wouldn't rush into combining these two as such because it could also mean that both parts deviate from their own original ideas then too much.


Ill send you a PM with email and skype contacts, we can have a chat.

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Doesnt seem to work on dedicated server. Working on that.

But it works for player hosted multiplayer...



If someone is interested in pointing to the correct solution, this is what i get on dedicated server launch:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/client/renderer/entity/Render
	at qadom.quests.blocks.BlockQuest.<init>(BlockQuest.java:30)
	at qadom.blocks.BlockManager.<init>(BlockManager.java:105)
	at qadom.Qadom.load(Qadom.java:133)


and this last line is causing it:

public BlockQuest(int par1, Material par2Material) {
	super(par1, par2Material);

	setCreativeTab(QuestManager.tabQuests); <--- exception from here




Ok, looked into it and i clearly have client code trying to execute on server, a problem that didn't manifest when hosting multiplayer from the client. This may take the rest of the weekend to fix...

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Got it fixed (SideOnly annotations helped) and it now runs also as dedicated server.

As a matter of fact we now have a server running here and you are free to try the mod there.

I will be playtesting there along with some others, you are welcome to join.


Server address: minecraft.tomodomo.org


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  • 3 weeks later...

Got it fixed (SideOnly annotations helped) and it now runs also as dedicated server.

As a matter of fact we now have a server running here and you are free to try the mod there.

I will be playtesting there along with some others, you are welcome to join.


Server address: minecraft.tomodomo.org


ooh fancy. Have you gotten a lot of user feedback for the mod?

Communication is a vital tool, in the game industry you won't go anywhere without it. People are either going to learn to talk, or move on.

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maybe (just maybe) we should cooperate ?


my mod:





ps, if you were to combine your mods it'd be more like a modpack feel.

Communication is a vital tool, in the game industry you won't go anywhere without it. People are either going to learn to talk, or move on.

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maybe (just maybe) we should cooperate ?


my mod:





ps, if you were to combine your mods it'd be more like a modpack feel.


Well, depends if we get the comms going on and it turns out we have a common goal. At this point i really cant tell. A successful project cant be based on just similarities. Like i said in my reply, a joint project would require some serious communication outside the forums to get the collaboration going on.  And we haven't really been able to do that.

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maybe (just maybe) we should cooperate ?


my mod:





ps, if you were to combine your mods it'd be more like a modpack feel.


Well, depends if we get the comms going on and it turns out we have a common goal. At this point i really cant tell. A successful project cant be based on just similarities. Like i said in my reply, a joint project would require some serious communication outside the forums to get the collaboration going on.  And we haven't really been able to do that.


Oh i see.

If the two mods are seperate and compatible, they might just complement each other, and players can imit one to their preferences.

But if you were to collab, theoretically your doing the work for one mod instead of two.  It would evolve much faster. Even if your goals are different, more features aren't normally a bad thing.


I dunno. To be honest, i've barely touched both your mods.


Communication is a vital tool, in the game industry you won't go anywhere without it. People are either going to learn to talk, or move on.

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Version 0.3.1


First Quest prototype added. A building might be generated in each village that contains a quest block. On activation the quest is given to the player. This first quest is called City Walls, and its about making the village safer. There are two phases in the quest; the inner city walls and the outer city walls. Upon completing each phase the player is rewarded with one XP level.


Once fully completed it can no longer be obtained but prior to that multiple players can obtain it and then work on it collaboratively.

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  • 5 weeks later...

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