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How reading the configFile works, makiing a config organiser for modpacks


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now i have heard this has been done before, but it was pretty bad (may be good now tho).


as a little side project for a friend who is getting really annoyed with people using the same ids so he spends 4 hours having to organise 140 mods to work together.


i would like to know a little about how it works, i looked at some of them, seemed strait forward at the start:

look for "I:" then change the id which is anything after "="

but i looked at advanced solar panel's config and the packet size default 512 is written the same way as item ids.(I:"Quantum generator default production"=512)

now there are categories, Items, General, Blocks and other so i will make it so it will search for Blocks{ or Items{ first.


what i would like to know is if the blocks and items 4000 ish id tables are separate from each other, i would assume so, but its bad to assume things


also if there are other ids that i should look for as well, water, biomes? are they assigned similarly or dynamically?


thanks for the help



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every block SHOULD be in the config (unless the modder sucks)


for biomes and dimention, it SHOUUUUUULD be assigned dynamicly IIRC

cool, thanks for the speedy reply!

so really I just need to focus on the Blocks and Items areas of the config files.

why arnt they assigned dynamically already as well?

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<whisper> im not sure, i personally do it but if lex hears that he will kill us both</whisper>



but seriously he has reasons, good ones, i just cant remember.


one i could say though is that it screws the command give

if i remember that item X is id 500 but then suddently it changes, well then i have to re-learn what the id of X



now this argument is valid, but personally i dont really care as i never use the give command


anyway gl hf

how to debug 101:http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Debug_101

-hydroflame, author of the forge revolution-

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There's also the world save that will be full of new holes each time the id's change.

And you'll get weirdness if another thing tries to take the id.


As for id conflict management, there once was IDResolver. Not sure it is still updated.


By the way, you can read default config files with Configuration class.

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As for id conflict management, there once was IDResolver. Not sure it is still updated.


You mean http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1597274-tool-block-id-conflict-resolver/ ?

It shouldn't need updates (other than there being configs it outright won't handle).

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Nope, I meant a mod by ShaRose, not an external tool.

But your work may be the answer OP was looking for.


Ah yes, I know of it.

No idea if that's up to date or not.  I do admit that it has advantages over my tool, though I built my tool as a no nonsense checker.  It has its flaws, but it should at least get people to understand how config files work so that when it does fail, they can do it manually.

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There's also the world save that will be full of new holes each time the id's change.

And you'll get weirdness if another thing tries to take the id.


As for id conflict management, there once was IDResolver. Not sure it is still updated.


By the way, you can read default config files with Configuration class.

riiiiiiight, i knew i was missing somethign obvious :P

how to debug 101:http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Debug_101

-hydroflame, author of the forge revolution-

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That's also the general reason why Forge doesn't do any auto-ID assigning.  Mod load order (which could be different between client and server, despite having the same mods) could alter the ID assignment.


I hear that Minecraft 1.7 will supply a solution to this, though.

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


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I hear that Minecraft 1.7 will supply a solution to this, though.


not to bring the thread offtopic but can you send me where you saw this ? im interrested but the closest i found is:

"The servers can suggest clients to install resource pack when they arrive"


taken and translated from this page:


how to debug 101:http://www.minecraftforge.net/wiki/Debug_101

-hydroflame, author of the forge revolution-

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Oh god. :x

Someone on this forum, but that was weeks ago.  I don't even know how I'd go about searching for that post.


Ah ha!  Found it.


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Yes, considering the fact that commands can use the unlocalized block name instead of block id, in 1.7, it is expected that unlocalized name will take over the id for every aspect at some point.

I'd say it is a bit optimistic to think this is going to happen in 1.7.

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I believed it was stated that the way ID's would be in the 1.7 update would be "modid:block_name"?

I thought that was the biggest deal with the update? :)

Anyways whenever it comes it will be good for us :)


Also Searge tweeted this earlier today:

Today the pre-release of 1.7 was released. This version has a LOT of changes and I estimate at least a week, maybe more to update MCP.

So soon™ we can dig into the changes and see for ourself :)


what i would like to know is if the blocks and items 4000 ish id tables are separate from each other, i would assume so, but its bad to assume things

I believe the 4096 block ID's are what makes up the first part of the ItemID array with their ItemBlocks?


If you guys dont get it.. then well ya.. try harder...

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