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SpriteHelper intracts with one of the local Sprites ?


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I have used the SpriteHelper to get a better icon for my Sword (Adobe Fireworks), as i tried to insert it, it was inserted, but in a different way.


It overrided the grass block top to the sword, and my sword to a other item texture (quartz). I have used a custom sprite, and I used the code from SpriteHelper with my own slots.


String slots =
                "1111111111111111" +
                "1111111111111111" +
                "1111111111111111" +
                "1111100000000000" +
                "0000000000000000" +
                "0000000000000000" +
                "0000000000000000" +
                "0000000000000000" +
                "0000000000000000" +
                "0000000000000000" +
                "0000000000000000" +
                "0000000000000000" +
                "0000000000000000" +
                "0000000000000000" +
                "0000000000000000" +
	SpriteHelper.registerSpriteMapForFile("/Steamcraft/Terrain/DokiDoki_ITerrain1.png", slots);


And it turned out like this:




I'm using ModLoader.addOverride properly. or I need to do some other override ?


Thanks for any help :)

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If you are using ModLoader.addOverride at all then you are indeed doing it *VERY* wrong.  Never use ModLoader.addOverride.  Just use setTextureFile on the block/item calls.


Alright, so ModLoader.addOverride is wrong, but setTextureFile is like getTextureFile. I dont want to use a terrain for it.

I want to use an empty 256x256 terrain, and add texture to not damage the image high-definition resolution.

like ModLoader uses with addOverride.

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Just make your item sheet whatever resolution you want, as long as its 16x16 icons.


Isnt there anyway use a method like ModLoader.addOverride on a blank terrain that is not /gui/items.png or /terrain.png ?

this method will really help me, because the icons are 32x32 or 64x64, and if I lower them there pixels break.

This would be a great idea, for a method like addOverride, that supports blank terrain's that are not local ones.

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It does, it appears to be a bug that cpw fixed recently that didnt apply the overrides properly. Wait for the next FML update in forge and try again.

However, you do know, that adding a 32x32 texture using a override, to a 16x16 sprite sheet doesnt work right?

You're better off, as I said, using your own full sprite sheet, and not using addOverride at all.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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It does, it appears to be a bug that cpw fixed recently that didnt apply the overrides properly. Wait for the next FML update in forge and try again.

However, you do know, that adding a 32x32 texture using a override, to a 16x16 sprite sheet doesnt work right?

You're better off, as I said, using your own full sprite sheet, and not using addOverride at all.


Yes I know, but I have a trick that the game will take it and restrich without hearting the pixels (not possbile in PS CS6).

Thanks alot for the help, I'll wait for the next update.


also, why isnt getchangedsrc isnt copying stuff like MaterialTools.java (minecraft source files) only custom like mod_MinecraftForge for example..

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You shouldnt be editing any base classes, for any reason.

Make sure the install script has no errors as it will recompile and update md5s when done.


No errors.

Anyway, who told that I cannot edit any base classes ? I'm editing the minecraft's one's, not Forge's. I can and also did edit them, with no problem with the clients. they say everything is fine..

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Compatibility states that you should not edit base classes that's the entire god damn point of Forge is to provide you with everything you need to not need to edit base classes.

If you edit base classes then you're not worthy of my time or consideration and should not be here.

There is no reason you should edit any base class in your mod.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon

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