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[1.3.2] [Solved] How do I use a custom texture sheet for eating effects?


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I hope this is a really simple solution, something I am just overlooking.... I hope.


I have been following the Wuppy's tutorials, and have succesfully created a new food item.


This item uses its own texture sheet and displays correctly, however, since my item is in the first texture icon slot on my custome texture sheet, and leather cap is in the first texture icon slot on the default texture sheet, when I eat the food, I see pieces of leather cap go flying everywhere!


I have been searching the net and forums for about 2 days looking for a  solution, but to no avail.  So, is it possible to have a custom texture be used when rendering the particles for eating food?


Just guessing, I would think that it was either a matter of changing something in the Item class to let the game know which texture to use for eating, or if not that, I would have to let the effect of eating know to use my custom texture, and do this probably by creating my own effect, based off of the default eating effect.


Any help on this is greatly appreciated.

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I'm glad its something as simple as an outdated build.


However, being the modding noob that I am, I am lost as to how I should go about updating my forge.


This is what I did...


I downloaded 2 files...




The first file, I put the contents in my mcp directory at this location...

C:\Users\Lance\Desktop\Forge Modding\mcp72\forge

I then ran the install.cmd file, and went throught the install


The second file, I put the contents into my ...



So, now I load Eclipse, but my project is gone.


Before Installing, I exported the whole Minecraft Project as a .zip, so I do have a copy of my .java files.


So my question is... did I do the update correctly?  Is there a better way to do it, so I do not have to re-create my custome .java files?  Perpahs someone knows of a way to easily re-include my files back into the project?


Thanks for the help. :)

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Just wanted to add, that the update FIXED the problem with the eating particles.


So apparently my method of updating my files was correct.


I would still like to know of an easier way to save and load projects in Eclipse, but that I suppose can wait.


Thanks for the quick reply LexManos.

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