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[1.7.10] Get Player's Capabilities In OnUpdate & Key Handling With Packets

Izzy Axel

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Capabilities isn't a member of Entity, what do I need to do to get the EntityPlayer instance of the relevant player inside onUpdate()?  I tried this:


EntityPlayer playerEnt = (EntityPlayer)player;


But this may or may not cause some wonky behavior with the rest of the code for this item that isn't present in SSP.


Edit:  It's on a server that everything goes to hell.

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Problem with that is, it's not passing in the instance of the affected stack, which I need to get to manipulate the durability, so is there any way to get both EntityPlayer and the stack without having to split the code up and use constant janky checks and timing between playerTickEvent and onUpdate?

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Safely cast it. If you want to get the capabilities, then use player.capabilities. That literally is the capabilities of the player.


Also, please explain what you're trying to do.



Minecraft can do ANYTHING, it's coded in Java and you got the full power of Java behind you when you code. So nothing is impossible.

It may be freaking fucking hard though, but still possible ;)


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It's an item that, when activated, allows you to fly for a bit, but it doesn't need to be held once its activated to work.  I'm using the durability for the timer.  The main issue right now is when on a server, right clicking after it's been activated refills the durability completely and deactivates it, instead of just deactivating it, and the fall damage code doesn't work.  Both work on SSP.


public class ItemFlightTalisman extends ItemArtifact
ItemStack iStack = new ItemStack(this);
boolean recharging = false;
boolean using = false;
boolean active = false;
int buffer = 0;
public ItemFlightTalisman(CreativeTabs tab)
	setTextureName(Reference.MODID + ":" + getUnlocalizedName().substring(5));

public ItemStack onItemRightClick(ItemStack stack, World world, EntityPlayer player)
		if(!active && stack.getItemDamage() == 0)
			player.capabilities.allowFlying = true;
			player.capabilities.isFlying = true;
			active = true;
		else if(active)
			player.capabilities.allowFlying = false;
			player.capabilities.isFlying = false;
			active = false;
			world.playSoundAtEntity(player, "random.orb", 0.3F, 0.85F);
		else if(!active && !recharging)
			recharging = true;
			world.playSoundAtEntity(player, "random.orb", 0.3F, 0.725F);
	return stack;

public boolean hasEffect(ItemStack stack)
    return active;

public void playerTick(PlayerTickEvent event)

	if(event.player.capabilities.isFlying && active)
		buffer = 1;
	if(buffer == 1 && active && event.player.worldObj.isRemote)
		event.player.fallDistance = 0.0F;
			buffer = 0;
		iStack.setItemDamage(iStack.getItemDamage() + 2);
		using = true;
	else if(!active)
		using = false;
	if(!using && iStack.getItemDamage() > 0)
		iStack.setItemDamage(iStack.getItemDamage() - 1);
	if(iStack.getItemDamage() == 0)
		recharging = false;
	if(iStack.getItemDamage() == 400)
		active = false;
		event.player.capabilities.isFlying = false;
		event.player.capabilities.allowFlying = false;
			event.player.worldObj.playSoundAtEntity(event.player, "random.orb", 0.3F, 0.725F);
	if(iStack.getItemDamage() > 400)

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First of all you cant store those values in the item class they need to be stored as nbt any values in the item class will be the same for every instance of that item.


Also I think you need to update player.capabilities.allowFlying and player.capabilities.isFlying on both the client and the server.


and last of all make sure flight is enabled on the server.


I am the author of Draconic Evolution

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Ok, I'm trying to do NBT tags, but it seems that onCreated isn't being evaluated before onUpdate or hasEffect, because I'm getting NPEs on things in both, how do I fix this?


public class ItemAirTalisman extends ItemArtifact
public ItemAirTalisman(CreativeTabs tab)
	setTextureName(Reference.MODID + ":" + getUnlocalizedName().substring(5));

public void onCreated(ItemStack stack, World world, EntityPlayer player)
	if(stack.stackTagCompound == null)
		stack.setTagCompound(new NBTTagCompound());
	stack.stackTagCompound.setInteger("Damage", 0);
	stack.stackTagCompound.setBoolean("Active", false);

public boolean hasEffect(ItemStack stack)
	return stack.stackTagCompound.getBoolean("Active");

public void onUpdate(ItemStack stack, World world, Entity player, int slot, boolean p_77663_5_)
	if(player.isInWater() && stack.getTagCompound().getInteger("Damage") < 510)
		stack.stackTagCompound.setBoolean("Active", true);
		stack.stackTagCompound.setInteger("Damage", stack.getTagCompound().getInteger("Damage") + 1);
	else if(stack.getTagCompound().getInteger("Damage") == 511 || !player.isInWater())
		stack.stackTagCompound.setBoolean("Active", false);
		stack.stackTagCompound.setInteger("Damage", stack.getTagCompound().getInteger("Damage") - 1);
	if(stack.getTagCompound().getInteger("Damage") > 511)
		stack.stackTagCompound.setInteger("Damage", 511);


(code unrelated, tried this on a simpler class to learn first)

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Ok I reworked the functionality, but now I'm checking for space being held, which I'm doing with




This is giving a noClassDefFoundError on org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard when I try to put it in my inventory on a server.  What's going on here, and how do I fix it?  Second question is, this is a raw input, how do I gate this with checks of whether the player is in the esc menu, inventory screen, or chat menu?

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Ok, well I'm unsure of a few things now.  One, how am I going to get a world object that contains the correct instance inside the client proxy, two, am I just making a new void method inside the proxy for this, or what?  Third, I don't know how to make the packet do things, I don't know where to put that code or how to check for the packet and its contents.  Fourth, I'm using NBT because I've never heard of IExtendedEntityProperties and obviously then, don't know what it is or how to use it.

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Ok, well I'm unsure of a few things now.  One, how am I going to get a world object that contains the correct instance inside the client proxy


The client only knows about one world: the world the client is in.

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Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


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Ok...so I made this in ClientProxy:


public static boolean spaceDown(World world)
		KeyHandler keyHandler = new KeyHandler();
		if(FMLClientHandler.instance().getClient().inGameHasFocus && keyHandler.isKeyPressed(Keyboard.KEY_SPACE))
			return true;
			return false;
		return false;


This is what the onUpdate in the flight talisman class looks like now:


public void onUpdate(ItemStack stack, World world, Entity player, int slot, boolean p_77663_5_)
	if(stack.stackTagCompound == null)
		stack.stackTagCompound = new NBTTagCompound();
		stack.stackTagCompound.setInteger("Damage", 0);
		stack.stackTagCompound.setBoolean("Holding Space", false);
	if(stack.stackTagCompound != null)
			ArcaneArtificing.snw.sendToServer(new FlyMessage(1));
			if(player.posY < Reference.HEIGHTLIMIT)
				stack.stackTagCompound.setInteger("Damage", stack.stackTagCompound.getInteger("Damage") + 1);
				if(stack.stackTagCompound.getInteger("Damage") > 100000)
					stack.stackTagCompound.setInteger("Damage", 100000);
				player.motionY += Reference.TERMINAL * Reference.THRUST;
				if(player.motionY > Reference.TERMINAL)
					player.motionY = Reference.TERMINAL;
			ArcaneArtificing.snw.sendToServer(new FlyMessage(0));
		if(!player.onGround && player.motionY < 0)
			player.fallDistance = (float)((player.motionY * -1) * Reference.DAMAGEREDUCTIONFACTOR);


And this is what the message handler/IMessage looks like now:


public class FlyMessage implements IMessage
public static int packet;
public FlyMessage(){}
public FlyMessage(int p)
	this.packet = p;

public void fromBytes(ByteBuf buf)
	this.packet = buf.readInt();

public void toBytes(ByteBuf buf)

public static class FlyMessageHandler implements IMessageHandler<FlyMessage, IMessage>
	public IMessage onMessage(FlyMessage message, MessageContext ctx)
		if(packet == 1)
			ctx.getServerHandler().playerEntity.registerExtendedProperties("SpaceDown", ?);
			ctx.getServerHandler().playerEntity.registerExtendedProperties("SpaceDown", ?);

		return message;


What do I need to do for the IExtendedEntityProperties instance that's supposed to go where the question marks are in the message, first off?

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Ok, then how do I use proxies?

Basically just do what diesieben07 already told you:

Use your main mod class' proxy reference (which is a reference to CommonProxy, which your ClientProxy should extend from) to access the method you want, and add the same method you need to your CommonProxy, but empty. This allows you to override it in the ClientProxy, just like all the 'registerRenderer' methods you see in people's code.

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I would just like to offer a simple alternative to this hole problem.

Step 1:Create a potion effect that gives flight (simple)

Step 2:Use item to apply effect (very simple)


No IEEP, NBT or packet handling required! You can use the effect duration as the flight trimmer and if you want a cool down before it can be applied again you can simply use the item damage.


I am the author of Draconic Evolution

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Thanks coolAlias, nobodies explicitly said that in any of the tutorials I've seen, and it was an easily overlooked detail when you aren't looking for it while going through repos for other mods.


Brandon3055: though easier, that defeats the purpose here, puts off learning how to use packets for key handling, (procrastination is never a good thing) and I gave it jetpack type flight for balance anyway.  Also the potion would add the potion effect to the inventory GUI, which is sloppy/undesirable imo.  It can also be removed by one of my other talismans.

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