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I need alot of help and dont understand java


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Well I got a book on modding using JDK7 and Eclipse and Forge for 1.7.10 and I posted something earlier saying I needed help and somebody told me to use 1.10 and I don't know if it's the same to set up as 1.7.10 because it has a download for mdk not src and I don't know what that is I don't know what anything is please either send me a link or tell me how to setup forge for jdk7 and eclipse on windows 10 that would be amazing thanks. (p.s. don't be harsh I don't know anything about java and am just learning)

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Thank you diesieben! I do have a book on modding, it's just setting up the stuff that I need help with, as I can sorta code with the help of the book. Thanks for the link though!


If you don't understand java, what you can do with modding will be limited to precisely what they show you in the modding book. To deviate even slightly from their examples will be over your head until you learn the ins and outs of basic java. I would advise text tutorials, and don't copy/paste code, type it all out. Otherwise you'll just be doing monkey-see-monkey-do, and not really learning anything. and when you come here with modding questions, it will be painfully obvious to the people that COULD help you that you don't know any java, and won't be willing to help you with modding, as their instructions will be over your head, and it's unrealistic to expect people here to solve all your problems line by line giving you code.


Not trying to be mean, just trying to make sure you understand how important it is to minecraft modding to learn java.

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I see. I was hoping to learn java by programming mods, and I do still want to program them, but I feel like I will program some basic stuff and screw around with it a lot, even if I don't know java.  as we speak I am still trying to set up eclipse. I shall not give up! (Even if I break my laptop) I really want to code ok? thanks for the advice though!

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http://tutorials.jenkov.com/java/index.html seems like it's a decent run of tutorials for learning the basics. It's important to understand things like (not in any specific order) classes, inheritance, interfaces, methods, getters/setters for properties/fields, packages, and an assortment of other things I should probably list, but take for granted.


Trying to learn java by starting right with modding is akin to trying to learn how to swim in the middle of the ocean. Do yourself a favor and learn how to at least doggie paddle first  ;)

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I see. I was hoping to learn java by programming mods, and I do still want to program them, but I feel like I will program some basic stuff and screw around with it a lot, even if I don't know java.  as we speak I am still trying to set up eclipse. I shall not give up! (Even if I break my laptop) I really want to code ok? thanks for the advice though!


You need to know how to program (in at least one language, even if it isn't Java!) before you can mod.

Apparently I'm a complete and utter jerk and come to this forum just like to make fun of people, be confrontational, and make your personal life miserable.  If you think this is the case, JUST REPORT ME.  Otherwise you're just going to get reported when you reply to my posts and point it out, because odds are, I was trying to be nice.


Exception: If you do not understand Java, I WILL NOT HELP YOU and your thread will get locked.


DO NOT PM ME WITH PROBLEMS. No help will be given.

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Yeah, there are plenty of mods that are written entirely in scala, which is upsetting when I try to look at their source code. But for real, modded minecraft is probably the most complex java program I have ever seen, so I'd have to agree with Ugdhar.


Trying to learn java by starting right with modding is akin to trying to learn how to swim in the middle of the ocean. Do yourself a favor and learn how to at least doggie paddle first  ;)

- Just because things are the way they are doesn't mean they can't be the way you want them to be. Unless they're aspen trees. You can tell they're aspens 'cause the way they are.

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I was hoping to learn java by programming mods...

I did exactly that, learning Java from scratch by setting up Forge and diving into modding. However, I come from a background with decades of professional coding experience in a dozen other languages including at least three object-oriented ones.


My advice is that if you want to dive into modding in order to learn Java, then first go get yourself 20 years' of professional programming experience as a foundation, and then come back and talk to us. Otherwise, you should listen to the 7 and get yourself some solid Java training that includes a thorough treatment O-O programming concepts. You can do that in two parts:


1) If you're not already an expert in O-O programming, take a semester-length course somewhere that teaches it. It may require an intro to programming course as a prereq.


2) Work through a Java tutorial online to translate the language used in your course into Java.

The debugger is a powerful and necessary tool in any IDE, so learn how to use it. You'll be able to tell us more and get better help here if you investigate your runtime problems in the debugger before posting.

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Ok, again, thanks for the advice, but I still need to know how to set up forge for eclipse and JDK7, the rest I know and the coding I know. A link, call, or message would be great. Thanks!

There are many tutorials out there for setting up JDK. And there is already a documentation for setting up forge.



I will be posting 1.15.2 modding tutorials on this channel. If you want to be notified of it do the normal YouTube stuff like subscribing, ect.

Forge and vanilla BlockState generator.

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I have some tips on setting up Eclipse, Java, and a git source code revision system for modding here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/p/quick-tips-eclipse.html


Regarding learning Java, as JeffryFisher said you can only learn Java by modding if you're already good at several other programming languages. Otherwise, I actually recommend learning from a book. A book is better than online learning for programming because people tend to skip the fundamentals when they do online learning. A book makes sure that you learn the boring stuff which is actually often the important stuff.


However, most programming books are quite scary (very thick and easy to get lost and bored). So I recommmend a book called Java in Easy Steps. It is quite thin and friendly but still covers all the basic, important stuff to know.

Check out my tutorials here: http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/

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