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it would seem to me that this would be something very usefull to have in forge


the idea is to have a single file that contains a list of all mod blocks from installed mods, and the ID's they have been assigned

on top of this, forge could then auto-assign ID's when a mod is installed, because it already knows the ones in use (if all mods use this)


further, in heavy server installations, only a single config file would have to be given to clients to make every mod work


my idea to make this work properly is based on the idea that every mod gives each item/block a unique name when asking forge to assign it an ID

this unique name i would suggest to be something like <modder>.<modname>.<randomnumber> (where <modder> is their MC id)

that way forge would be able to re-assign ID's to existing mods simply by linking the unique name to the block/item ID in the global config


if this was added to forge, it should in theory be able to remove all incompatibility issues between forge-based mods :)


Edit: this idea would also work for GUI's in order to prevent incompatibility with those

Being noobish since 96, being dumb since birth!


Congratulation you are the 1,000,000th person to state this idea.

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I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
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my apoligies if that is indeed the case, but as i saw no topic on this forum about it, i thought it worth a shot


may i atleast ask if it is on the to-to list, or if not, why this is not so? (seeing as for a minecraft mod API of forge's size, it would be almost mandatory)

Being noobish since 96, being dumb since birth!


there is also a mod API planned for minecraft, does that mean you are stopping development of forge? >_>


sorry for the sarcasm, but if an ID management system is added to minecraft, it would only be needed for mods, so would be part of the mod API, so untill that is finished, i dont see why forge cant do that job (just like its already doing lots of jobs the mod API will eventually do)

Being noobish since 96, being dumb since birth!


We dont discuss it because im tired of discussing it.

Everyone comes along with there 'super special unique ideas' which are the same ideas i've delt with a few hundred times. There are reasons I have not done it yet.

Not all of these reasons I can legally say publically.

It is a feature that I really wanna do.

It is NOT something I will re-write the entirety of minecraft to do.

It is NOT something I want to do 1/2 assed or bandaide fixed.

I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon


A mod api will not be able to do everything that needs to be done as much that needs to be done is rather invasive.

And that idea has already come up, but MC will likely get one of its own soon so that would be wasted labor.


i honestly dont get why it would be so hard to have forge implement a system that allows it to manage the block/id's


i am not saying it should overwrite the existing system, but more like:


> mod asks the forge API to give an ID for object X

> the forge API checks its settings list if the object already has an ID, if so returns that, if not, assigns a new one

> the mod is given the ID by forge, and registers it in minecraft the normal way

Being noobish since 96, being dumb since birth!


Its a bitch to get modders to do things the correct way.

And its even more of a bitch to force there hands.

I Will be adding such a fucking system in 1.3

Quit fucking asking for it like its a brand new concept like you're the only one to ever think about it.

You state that you don't know why its so hard, you shouldn't be posting if you don't know.


I do Forge for free, however the servers to run it arn't free, so anything is appreciated.
Consider supporting the team on Patreon


Its a bitch to get modders to do things the correct way.

And its even more of a bitch to force there hands.

I Will be adding such a fucking system in 1.3

Quit fucking asking for it like its a brand new concept like you're the only one to ever think about it.

You state that you don't know why its so hard, you shouldn't be posting if you don't know.


Mojang backtrack on an official block registry, then?


i do understand that you cannot force people to make use of such a function, but my personal experience with mods for other applications i have found that similar features are often well-received because they make the resulting mod a lot more user-friendly


right now, each mod gets atleast one config file, with some even getting more


when it comes to having a server-compatible client, this effectively means tons of files that need to be copied and placed in the correct locations

(as not all mods use the config directory either, including 2 of the biggest ones [buildcraft&redpower])

i just felt that having a central location to change/register all blocks, items etc would be both easier for the end user, and for the modders as they only need to get the ID's from forge, and modders wont have to follow eloraams example (not that its a bad thing!) in making redpower re-assign its own ID's


like i said, i know you cant force people to use it, but having it available would seem to me a great tool for modders and users alike



this will be the last i reply to this topic, i simply wished to give my idea in such a way that it was correctly understood and that my reasons behind the idea where clear

Being noobish since 96, being dumb since birth!

  • 2 weeks later...

So I am curious, what is the technical issue with something like central block management or dynamic ids?  I am assuming that if it was simple it would have been done long ago, and I am curious about the internals.


I will probably try trolling the code myself a little, but if there are any older threads people know of where this has been discussed that I could be pointed towards I would appreciate it.

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