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  1. I myself am quite new to the modding scene, I started modding in February but have been in development hell a lot and have struggled to focus on one mod though I have been developing the current mod I've been working on since September and have made a lot of progress; during this time I have found a lot of helpful resources and have learnt a lot of things. 1. You can, I have had no Java experience previously and since modding have managed to be quite knowledgeable in Java. 2. Modding does not require massive teams, I and many others work alone, though having a team is certainly helpful in the modding process to get things done in a quicker and more organised way. 3. I absolutely have to recommend ModdingByKaupenjoe, he makes loads of tutorials for Minecraft from 1.16.5 and above with support for Forge, Fabric, and as of his 1.21 tutorials, Neoforge. These tutorials are really well made, covering almost every modding topic, (such as items, blocks, mobs, worldgen, etc.) and are pretty easy to follow, and Kaupenjoe always leaves the link to his GitHub repositories where you can view the code of that tutorial at your own pace as well as linking textures in the description of his videos for you to use. These forums are also quite good if you need help, though I have found that it sometimes takes a little while for a response but it is always worth the wait; from my experience the people on these forums have always been kind and helpful. There are also user-submitted tutorials that may be helpful as well. Using GitHub to search up a certain class that you are wanting to use in your mod is also quite helpful, the video I have linked goes into more detail. I would also recommend planning out your mod before you make it to have a clearer idea of how you want your mod to be, including sketches and annotations are also a good idea for this. It has helped me make progress a lot quicker when programming as I already know how I want things to look/act. I hope all this information helps!
    2 points
  2. Hello everyone, As the title suggests I'm new the the entire modding thing I used to make little game projects here and there and since I've started University I've taking Java and I fell in love with it somehow. So I have a couple of questions: Can I learn Java from modding the game (Yes I have the basics) can it expand my knowledge in this language? Does modding require massive teams (I've seen too many projects on curseforge that have like 3-6 contributors) or can I do it solo? Where to start? I know you might be thinking "Whats wrong with this guy just simply google what to do..." and for that I say "I did" and found too many results not saying its a bad thing just you know we have a common term in development in general and that's "Development hell" you guys are more experienced than I'm what tutorial series do you recommend? Why didn't I use Reddit for this question why the minecraftforge forums where we fix issues to modding not help beginners start? Because it gave me mental issues not saying this for attention but I really dislike the communities there are helpful somewhat but everything I said there regardless of what it is even a simple question in development will be bombarded with hateful comments cruelty and bullying and even worse grammar police , I truly hope that you guys aren't like this... Please forgive me for my English as I'm not an English speaker. I'm alright with you people criticizing me for the question or the stuff I said just don't be cruel , thanks in advance!
    1 point
  3. Hi, thanks for your reply, Create-unify is listed as client and server-sided mod, at least because it adds some items. But you gave me the right hint. I removed the Mod and now it workes. I don't have the knowledge yet to figure out, what exactly caused the problem. Thx
    1 point
  4. Hey @DroidCrafter23 my apologies for not responding to you for some time I truly appreciate your detailed I honestly didn't expect this detailed response it's awesome went through it all , I truly truly appreciate it... I certainly will plan out my mods. I'll also check the tutorial series you recommended along side the github tutorials. Thanks alot again and yeah the information are truly helpful.
    1 point
  5. Yes I had an AMD Radeon integrated GPU. Searched for driver, installed and now it's running! Thank you so much
    1 point
  6. Thank you so much, I had originally tried to allocate 16 gb of ram but still had the same issue with the lag, 12 was perfect.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. The site is dumb and doesn't like upper cases.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. I solved this already, but basically I was getting java.io.EOFException while installing Forge. From the (scarce) other forum postings on this, I needed to either clear the temp directory or delete some folder in `.minecraft/libraries`. The other forum posts were for Windows, so I have no idea what temp folder they mean exactly, I doubt it is `/tmp`. If someone can clarify where the download cache is for the Forge installer on Linux, that would be really nice. Solution: In terminal, `cd` to your `.minecraft` folder, likely this command is what you want: `cd ~/.minecraft`. Run `find -name '*1.20.1*'`, or replace 1.20.1 with the version you're installing. This shows where the damaged files might be which cause this error. Very carefully, determine which folders are safe to delete with `rm -rf`. The commands I ran were: rm -rf ./versions/1.20.1* rm -rf ./libraries/de/oceanlabs/mcp/mcp_config/1.20.1* rm -rf ./libraries/net/minecraftforge/fmlcore/1.20.1-47.3.22 rm -rf ./libraries/net/minecraftforge/forge/1.20.1-47.3.22 rm -rf ./libraries/net/minecraftforge/mclanguage/1.20.1-47.3.22 After this I reran the install and it worked fine.
    1 point
  11. This forum is for Forge, not NeoForge. Go to them for support.
    1 point
  12. I FOUND IT, Thank you! it was an invalid mod It's Info-tools
    1 point
  13. Remove BetterNether and BetterEnd. Had the same problem.
    1 point
  14. Maybe these: PlayerAnimations LegendaryToolTips
    1 point
  15. There are more client-side mods - but not mentioned Add a screenshot of your mods-folder
    1 point
  16. Use Java 17 instead of Java 19 Also, there are some client-side-only mods in your server Start with removing Modernfix, Rubidium and Oculus from your server
    1 point
  17. This FAQ has many guides and solutions - reading this before asking for help could save you a lot of time, as it accounts for the vast majority of issues people run into that we're aware of but can't fix on our end. Supported versions and platforms We only support Forge here. We cannot help you with Fabric, Spigot, etc... We support all versions under the tiered support policy. Full support for 1.21.4, 1.21.3, 1.21.1, 1.20.6, 1.20.4 and 1.20.1 Legacy support for all other versions Minimal support for select versions (e.g. 1.20.3 - use 1.20.4 instead) More details here. Rules Piracy (aka "cracked launchers") and cheats (aka "PvP clients", "x-ray mods", etc...) are strictly forbidden here. When you need help, please always make a new thread. Do not post in old support threads. When making a new thread, you must include a link to your log on https://pastebin.com or https://paste.ee. Instructions on where to find this and how to upload it are in this forum post. Exit/error codes Here's a list of exit codes and what they mean: Error code 0: Someone clicked "Quit game" and the game closed successfully Error code 1 and -1: The game crashed, refer to the log and/or crash report for details Error code -1073741819: A game library crashed. Update your drivers and make sure you're using the right Java version Where can I find the debug.log and crash report? Official Minecraft launcher CurseForge app MultiMC/PolyMC/Prism launcher Where can I find the installer log? Where can I find the launcher log? Most of the time you don't need to share this, so only share it when asked by a support volunteer or when you're unable to find any debug.log or crash report. Official Minecraft launcher CurseForge app What version of Java do I need? | Minecraft version | Forge version | Java version | |-------------------|---------------|--------------| | 1.20.6 or newer | 50.x or newer | 21 | | 1.18 - 1.20.4 | 38.x or newer | 17 | | 1.17.1 | 37.x | 16 | | 1.16.5 or older | 36.x or older | 8 | How do I install Java? Windows macOS Linux How do I install the Forge client to the official Minecraft Launcher? How do I install the Forge server? Where can I find the forge.jar to start my server? Forge immediately crashes on launch without any mods installed, how do I fix it? Where can I find Forge mods? https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/search?page=1&gameFlavorsIds=1 Make sure you download the right version of a mod for your Minecraft version. My game is lagging, how can I find the culprit? How do I update my drivers?
    1 point
  18. If you mean the CreativeModeTabEvent.Register event, to register your own tab, you need to create a listener on the mod bus @Mod.EventBusSubscriber(modid = "your_mod_id", bus = Mod.EventBusSubscriber.Bus.MOD) public class CreativeTabEvents { @SubscribeEvent public static void onRegisterCreativeTabs(final CreativeModeTabEvent.Register event) { event.registerCreativeModeTab(new ResourceLocation("your_mod_id", "tab_name"), builder -> builder .icon(() -> new ItemStack(MyModItems.MyItem)) .title(Component.translatable("itemGroup." + "your_mod_id" + "." + name)) //you are not forced to this syntax, but it's pretty common .build()); } } Assuming that MyModItems.MyItem is an item in a class of your mod that has all the items (of course you can set it to whatever item or block you want, even vanilla ones). If, instead, you want to add items to your creative tab, you need to listen to the CreativeModeTabEvent.BuildContents event, in a similar way. In here you want to check which tab is being populated (event.getTab()) and, if is your tab, add as many item stacks as you want using event.acceptAll(itemStacks) method @SubscribeEvent public static void onTabBuildContents(final CreativeModeTabEvent.BuildContents event) { final CreativeModeTab tab = event.getTab(); if(tab.equals(MY_CREATIVE_TAB)) { event.acceptAll(List.of( new ItemStack(MyModItems.MyItem), new ItemStack(MyModItems.MySecondItem) ... )); } } Of course you need to have reference to your tab, so when you register it during the CreativeModeTabEvent.Register event make sure to store the registered tab into a variable so you can use it later on to add items to it. You can see how I handle my tabs here to get an idea: https://github.com/JimiIT92/MineWorld/blob/master/src/main/java/org/mineworld/core/MWTabs.java
    1 point
  19. For anyone coming in the future I figured out the solution. you wan to use KeyMapping.click(Minecraft.getInstance().options.keyAttack.getKey()); to simulate initial click and if you want to hold down left click afterward just do KeyMapping.click(Minecraft.getInstance().options.keyAttack.getKey()); Minecraft.getInstance().options.keyAttack.setDown(true); and you can switch KeyAttack for other keys
    1 point
  20. 3rd party utilities that mess with the world are not supported/endorsed as they have non-insignficant chances of breaking the world. Beyond that update to 1.13+ to remove the 4096 limitation directly.
    1 point
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