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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/10/19 in all areas

  1. You probably clicked on the ads on adfoc.us. Make sure you click the "Skip Ads" button on the top-right corner of the adfoc.us page.
    2 points
  2. I am still convinced a book is much better in the long run than any video. in a book you can mark pages with postits for later reference stop and exercise the learned yourself jump back and forth to your hearts content in seconds have the book next to your computer and using the monitor to actually doing what is described in the book reading it offline, for example sitting in the garden (ok, not very good right now in middle of Europe ) Videos are good for collecting a first impression, but in my experience, you'll need more than that. For example ... a book... If you don't want to pay the full price, buy a used book (rebuy.de, booklooker.de or ebay.de). Still I think you'll find many good books in your local library (they still a think in Germany, they are fully governmental subsidised and you will find a lot of good books, not only for programming, but everything else, including fiction.... read a book!). Last, but not least, if you can buy a computer, you can buy a book for 20 bucks. Invest in your future... I like the "Head First" approach, so look for "Head First Java" or in German "Java von Kopf bis Fuß". You will get it on amazon.de in the used section for 20 bucks ...
    2 points
  3. The CPU doesn't but this is ancient technology from a time when integrated graphics was provided separately by the chipset rather than by the CPU. That particular computer model seemingly used the Intel G45S Express chipset that came with the Intel GMA X4500HD IGP. This is an IGP from the era when even the cheapest discreet GPU you could find was guaranteed to boost the performance beyond what any IGP could perform. While you can coax Minecraft into running on pretty much anything that can boot a proper OS with proper Java support and display something on a monitor beyond monochrome text character, even with Forge and mods, that doesn't mean it works well or is in any way, shape or form supported by anyone other than _maybe_ yourself. Running Windows 10 on that computer is unsupported by HP. There is no official Win 10 support at all, from Intel, for that chipset so that's unsupported too (even if Win 10 actually finds working drivers and most definitely if using "hacked" Win7/8 drivers or anything else not downloaded from Intel). I don't know how YoungDrew has managed to install VMware drivers this way but I do know that however it was done, it's not supported. That driver provides a kind of hardware agnostic OpenGL support so when running on a somewhat modern GPU you can't expect support for high performance or fancy rendering stuff but with the GMA X4500HD there's neither any high performance nor fancy rendering stuff to support anyway. The whole computer is way below minimum specs for vanilla Minecraft to begin with, so that's also unsupported. Optifine may or may not work with a given Forge version, whether it does is up to the Optifine developer and nothing that Forge can do anything about (due to Optifine being Optifine with closed source and what not) so the whole thing is unsupported by Forge too. YoungDrews best bet here is to downgrade to Windows 7, install the proper drivers provided by HP and perhaps the latest Win 7 chipset drivers from Intel (if they are newer, which they likely are as manufacturers really suck at providing updated drivers for chipsets and such) and then hope for the best. May want to try an older version of Minecraft too if performance makes it unplayable.
    2 points
  4. If your launcher allows it and you have enough ram, add to the jvm flags this: -Xmx1G modify 1G depending on how much ram you have, if you have for example, 4GB I recommend you using 1G, or if you have 8GB you can use 2G or 3G without any problems EDIT: At the end of your JVM flags you have -Xmx256M, remove it (you already have -Xmx1G inside)
    1 point
  5. JVM Flags: 9 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xmx1G -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M -Xmx256M Something is adding the 256M option, overwriting the previous one.
    1 point
  6. If you download the mod that Decocraft requires, you won't have this crash anymore. If you remove Decocraft, you also won't have this crash anymore.
    1 point
  7. You are missing a mod that Decocraft relies on, which is stated as a requirement on their CurseForge page.
    1 point
  8. Only one of those logs exists. If I recall correctly, Forge 1.13.X isn't compatible with Java 11 yet and Forge 1.12.X and earlier is only compatible with Java 8, so if you plan on playing 1.12 and 1.13 install Java 8, if you only want to play 1.13 you can go with Java 10, but be aware that Forge 1.13 is still in beta. If this does not fix your issue, please post a debug.log from a run with one of those versions of Java.
    1 point
  9. If you feel like writing code that - is 3 times longer than the neccesary amount - stops Forge from being able to dynamically reload mods at runtime - can cause unexplainable crashes - breaks well made mods that do everything right - is 5 years out of date - is not neccesary anymore among many other things, feel free. But don’t expect not to get critisised for it, especially on these forums. And don’t go and create a tutorial (a tutorial is supposed to teach the best way of doing things) with your bad code, as it will create more mods and modders with the same problems and limitations. Forge 1.13 has been out for more than half a year, and parts of it have been out for almost 2 years. This rewrite has been going on for a long time, there are people who are defiantly familiar with it and know how it works.
    1 point
  10. Realized my mistake on the rules thought it was talking about forge version not mc version. Please lock because I'm dumb and 1.7.10 isn't supported on the forum anymore.
    1 point
  11. It also stops you ever using the world without the mod and the devs of it have said that while it’s not needed in 1.13+ there will likely be no way to convert a NEID/JEID world from 1.12.2->1.13
    1 point
  12. Go figure! I've done this exact thing! See here and here for the relevant files. Basically, what you have to do is: Create the block (if you want to store the items in the block after a player has quit, you will need a TileEntity - normal crafting table & my crafting table do not do this) Create the container & gui Register the slots in the container & the textures in the gui Setup a GUI handler Add an right-click action to the block so that it opens the gui Create a custom recipe class or use minecraft's IRecipe (I created my own so it could access the player doing the crafting - this is probably not necessary, but it depends on what you're doing) If you made your own class, create some kind of registry to hold the recipes you want to have, otherwise just use CraftingManager Add checks in the crafting slot / container to see if the recipe is matched, and if it is, get the result and clear the table Voila! Tables! If you have any specific questions, I'd be willing to help when I've got time.
    1 point
  13. Hello, So every time I try to download Forge this weird app tries to download first and I don't know if anyone else had it happen. It has a ton of random apps it downloads with it and all are really glitchy and buggy. I don't know if anyone else has had the problem. If not can someone help me get Forge downloaded. I have a server for pixelmon I want to play.
    0 points
  14. 0 points
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