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Why not make it extend BowItem anyways? You can just override the methods and give it your own behavior. Then everyone will know it is a bow.
Of course there is. You can change the boundingBox field in the entities class.
It only culls them if it is told to and this is controlled by a series of factors. Stuff like if it is opaque. Generally things that aren't full cubes are not culled because of the simple way minecraft checks if culling should happen.
Is there a block on this side. Cool don't render this side then.
Probably not the best option ya know.
Taking a little peaksie into RangedBowAttackGoal it seems to wait for the bow to be ready to fire just like how the player does you can see this on line 129-130. So your option is to either extend RangedBowAttackGoal/Goal(parent class) and implement your own cooldown of sorts. OR create your own bow for the skeleton to use that has it's own cooldown set to a lower value. I like this option because it gives a drop for the SkeletonKing to drop.