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Everything posted by GotoLink

  1. GameData.blockRegistry.iterator() Don't use it in "regular" code, this is only one-time-searching method.
  2. The error says your SmileyGems constructor is invalid.
  3. See build/classes. Contains unobfuscated classes, you can zip them and distribute for people to dev with.
  4. Explained a thousand times before. Don't start location with slashes. "/wtv.png" is no good.
  5. Did you try putting them alongside the other libraries ? It was something like mcp/jars/libs last time i checked.
  6. EntityItem#getItem() Return the contained ItemStack.
  7. You don't need the language registry. It is deprecated for a reason. Server doesn't need to have any language related thing. Use StatCollector.translateToLocal(String) on client side and make a .lang file for each language.
  8. Consider reading "CustomNameTag" stuff. It is object 10 in the datawatcher for EntityLiving.
  9. @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public IIcon getSideIcon(int par1) Doesn't exist in Block. Use #getIcon(int side, int meta)
  10. There is no PlaceEvent probably because block placing occurs from a lot of places. Player, enderman, piston, falling sand/gravel, dispenser... If you only care about player placed blocks, stashing the coordinates and checking later on is a perfectly valid solution.
  11. See cpw.mods.fml.common.Loader#computeDependencies(String,Set,List,List) for how to use dependency string.
  12. This is a server side only, MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS event. Make sure there is nothing related to client side on your event listener.
  13. Also, your full container has a reference to the empty container in its constructor. Which doesn't work because you make the empty container after the full one.
  14. I don't think the "Independent" setup requires any groovy knowledge. That is the default setup that forge invites you to use. Obviously, the further you go from the default, the more you'll need to understand and change. I only needed to refer to the gradle docs to make this tutorial.
  15. After putting one settings.gradle in your "core", edit your run configurations to load that "core" mod. All other mods should load as dependent.
  16. Items should be initialized and registered in FMLPreInit event.
  17. Did you answered your own question ? I think so.
  18. I have explained a bit there. Look at the settings.gradle file.
  19. Maybe try with a NetBeans plugin for Gradle ? http://plugins.netbeans.org/plugin/44510/gradle-support It generally works better to just import the build.gradle file.
  20. ItemArmor extend Item, so you do it the same way.
  21. Did you run first gradlew setupDevWorkspace ?
  22. The error says that you are using IniMapGenEvent.EventType.LAKE (which doesn't exist) instead of PopulateChunkEvent.Populate.EventType.whatever.
  23. You are simply not using the event like you are supposed to. Read GuiOpenEvent.
  24. I don't see what is going on in the texture you posted, so i'll assume this is a rendering issue. You should override "shouldSideBeRendered" method, there is hardcoded wooden slabs and stone slabs in BlockSlab.
  25. @SidedProxy(clientSide="blfngl.fallout.proxy.ClientProxy", serverSide="blfngl.fallout.proxy.CommonProxy") public static CommonProxy proxy; public static ClientProxy cproxy; Be careful, cproxy is going to be null here. GameRegistry.registerItem(cellEnergy, "cellEnergy"); Should be inside FMLPreInit event too.
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