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Everything posted by GotoLink

  1. private GuiHandler guihandler = new GuiHandler(); Need to see that class. This is what is crashing.
  2. Stop using the Minecraft client on server side, please.
  3. this.blockRenderer.renderBlockAsItem(Block.tnt, 0, par1EntityTNTPrimed.getBrightness(par9)); -snip- this.blockRenderer.renderBlockAsItem(Block.tnt, 0, 1.0F); Are you using the vanilla tnt block for rendering here, or is it your own ?
  4. You are missing the default return String statement.
  5. The text begins with "Spawn", Minecraft thinks "entity.Crocodile.name" is the localised name. You shouldn't put spaces in the lang file, by the way.
  6. You never needed to copy.
  7. In the librairies.
  8. public static EventManager eventManager; eventManager is null.
  9. RenderPlayerEvent is an abstract event, you can't make a listener for it.
  10. void onInventoryChanged() Is still defined in 1.7.2 IInventory. Read again.
  11. You need to search where each event instance is created, and see to which event bus it is posted. The lang file content is case-sensitive, make sure you use the exact unlocalized names.
  12. You can rename items and blocks through the language files. But what Railcraft probably do is replacing the recipe. Write your recipe like the original one, then put your item for the result.
  13. 1. When i have a lot of things, I wrap Block and Item, and register references into my own Map, keys being unlocalized names. 2. Registry things either in the constructor for the object, or in its wrapper constructor. Agreed with Draco18s, LanguageRegistry is deprecated since 1.6. 3. Minecraft doesn't do this in 1.6.4. The common method would be to use Forge Configuration class to get configurable (and free) block/item ids. No need to worry about this for entities, as long as you use EntityRegistry, and not EntityList or "uniqueid" things. 4. Use the world random reference to use the world seed, but don't change it. Perform checks before generating. Limit TileEntity generation. Don't reinvent the wheel, Minecraft already has a lot of useable generators, especially for ores.
  14. GameRegistry.registerWorldGenerator(eventmanager()); } private IWorldGenerator eventmanager() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return null; } null isn't a valid answer. Try again.
  15. Blocks.brown_mushroom and Blocks.brown_mushroom_block are two different things. Make sure you are not confusing one for the other.
  16. If you don't care about the wood metadata, use the OreDictionary "wood" general item.
  17. ItemCraftedEvent is a FML event, you need to register your listener to FMLCommonHandler bus.
  18. You can keep your GuiCharacter and ContainerCharacter. Just delete anything related to TileEntityCharacter.
  19. You can also use the EnchantmentHelper class, for vanilla enchantments.
  20. I am not going to repeat myself, so i'll quote Draco: And add that question: what is TileEntityCharacter supposed to do, and why do you insist on locating it inside the player ?
  21. If you are missing files or can't download them, gradle should tell you. See the log file in .gradle.
  22. Initialize and register in the FMLPreInit event, no sooner nor later.
  23. It depends on the gui actually, since each GuiScreen has a flag to allow key input or not. Plus, you can use ClientTickEvent. It is run really close to the KeyInputEvent.
  24. It should be in the librairies.
  25. Making your project public would help, sure.
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