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Everything posted by GotoLink

  1. Typo in registerIcon, missing semicolon. Reference.modid + "wolveMask"
  2. Your tags are inconsistent too: "MinerEnderChest" in PlayerMED load "MinerEnderItems" in InventoryMinerEC save
  3. @Override public void saveNBTData(NBTTagCompound compound) { NBTTagCompound nbt = new NBTTagCompound(); nbt.setTag(EXT_MEC, this.IMEC.saveInventoryToNBT()); } You are not saving the data to the NBT here.
  4. You are simply in an area out of Minecraft. It is up to you to find what feels best working with. When I think of voices in Minecraft, i imagine generating on the fly player sounds as resources so that they are loaded into Minecraft sound system like sound effects. But i may be a bit optimistic.
  5. Nothing wrong in that build log. You still have special characters in the path (forge-1.7.2- but I am out of ideas, actually.
  6. Extend GuiMainMenu. If something you want to change isn't accessible, use reflection or an access transformer. Done.
  7. Eclipse is right about the error, but you are taking the wrong fix. You should listen to it and learn what "static" means. It is basic Java, you need to understand that.
  8. All that method is doing is add some button to the button list. You can add or remove buttons from this list without that method.
  9. There is a resources folder by default. It isn't for the looks of it, you know...
  10. Try without this Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld.playAuxSFX(2001, p_149670_2_, p_149670_3_, p_149670_4_, Block.func_149682_b(Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld.func_147439_a(p_149670_2_, p_149670_3_, p_149670_4_)) + (Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld.getBlockMetadata(p_149670_2_, p_149670_3_, p_149670_4_) << 12));
  11. In the BlockPumpkin class.
  12. Where is the jar with your manifest ? It should be in eclipse/mods by default. You can also change the run configuration to load the "loadingplugin" directly.
  13. You can use the ChunkUnloadEvent, I assume. Check that the chunk is in a group, if(all chunks in this group are in the "waiting unload" list) { unload the group} else {add the chunk to the "waiting unload" list}.
  14. You don't need the TileEntity at all. The vanilla furnace use a TileEntity since it is a Block. But an Item doesn't need a TileEntity to work. You can store all the extra data in its ItemStack NBTTagCompound.
  15. You can cancel the LivingHurtEvent, for example.
  16. Do you have the manifest within the meta-inf folder ?
  17. Try removing the dots in the jar name. They might conflict with the jar loading.
  18. I am surprised that didn't crash. You are not using the method correctly.
  19. You can use BufferedImage, DynamicTexture...depends on what you are trying to do.
  20. You are trying to find a TileEntity where the player is located. That is rather unlikely. You need to give the correct TileEntity coordinates to the "openGui" method.
  21. Can't read the code you posted. It looks like you use same events twice, which isn't good. And you should register things at the FMLPreInitializationEvent.
  22. Java compiler does type erasure. It was probably ArrayList<ItemStack> in the original code.
  23. Most common fix for that: stop replacing the air block with a solid block. In other words; don't use id 0.
  24. This looks like a job for... IWorldGenerator.
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