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Everything posted by GotoLink

  1. There might be some default mirroring recipes behavior somewhere. I don't remember where it is, but you can probably find it by looking deeper inside the recipes management. You should write a IRecipe if you can't find a way to cancel this.
  2. If it wasn't obvious from this screenshot, that GameData is from the cpw.mods.fml.common.registry package. I am not using IDs. FML is.
  3. You might have left methods or fields with a srg name which they shouldn't have (func_ or field_...)
  4. The code you posted only print text in the pre init phase.
  5. Jar merge is not supported by Forge anymore, because that has potential legal issues with Mojang. Prefer patching, like Forge does.
  6. PacketHandlerClient.createAndSendPacketToServerLight Then why are you sending packet to the server ?
  7. if (player.inventory.mainInventory != null && (player.inventory.mainInventory.itemID == Lantern.lanternonItem.itemID)) That shouldn't compile. Also, you have a client tick handler and a client packet handler. Where is the server packet handler ?
  8. Run Minecraft 1.7.2 then the forge installer for 1.7.2.
  9. The code I am running : bush = GameRegistry.registerBlock(new BlockBushes().func_149663_c(Strings.BUSH_NAME), ItemBlockMulti.class, Strings.BUSH_NAME, Reference.MOD_ID, BUSH_TYPES); ItemBlockMulti extends ItemBlockWithMetadata, with a constructor using (Block, ArrayList<String>), and BUSH_TYPES is of type ArrayList<String>, by the way. It doesn't matter actually, if commented out, it crashes the same with the next block registration attempt. The debug reached there: It looks like the ItemBlock couldn't get the same id as its Block, for some reason ? Note that the block id reached exactly 256, which may be related to that. (The previous block used blockId=255, and loaded correctly with itemId = 255) Looking into itemRegistry didn't give me anything.
  10. The forge source is in ~user/.gradle/cache/minecraft/net/minecraft/forge/... It isn't in any other folder. Forge updating is done through modifying build.gradle file, (which is given to you in the forgesrc download), then running gradlew setupDevWorkspace.
  11. You don't need to change the sources for the coremod to work, even in dev. That's the point of a coremod, actually. Access transformer changes should be added automatically by ForgeGradle, if your *_at.cfg file is in the resources folder. You'll need to rerun setupDecompWorkspace for changes to be visible. Using ASM, you can either use a dummy jar to launch your loading plugin, or add the plugin class in the run arguments.
  12. Write a custom IRecipe that does what you want for all similar recipe. OreDictionary recipes are easy to use, but not the only way.
  13. I suggest you catch the PlayerInteractEvent and check for the vanilla flower pot, then change the block to your own version (VaseBlock) with the necessary data to display the flower. This way, you wouldn't need a new recipe for your flower pot.
  14. Explosions are passed to the block affected in 1.7.2.
  15. You are registering blocks and items too late. Use FMLPreInit event.
  16. //A reference to your Model file. Again, very important. You should consider reading your own comments.
  17. You should probably extend ItemRecord. BlockJukeBox may not work with another type of Item.
  18. public ColoredArmor(int color, String folder, String armorName, ArmorMaterial material, int render, int type, CreativeTabs tab) { super(material, render, type); Only leather armor use color, how did you initialize your armor ?
  19. I'd say SoundLoadEvent is deprecated. A hook into SoundHandler would be better.
  20. @Override public void registerIcons(IIconRegister par1IconRegister) { } This is empty. Why ?
  21. Along with "stream" flag and "name" string, there is a "type" enum. Default is "type": "file", which loads *.ogg file. Use "type": "event" to load any other (you need to precise the file extension then).
  22. Would you please post the link? http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,14791.0.html
  23. Register the item in the FMLPreInit event.
  24. Keyboard.getEventKey() is what you are looking for.
  25. I'd think you didn't reobfuscate or something went wrong with mcp mappings. gradlew --refresh-dependencies build Then try the jar.
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