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Everything posted by Cadiboo

  1. You can also put the object holder annotation on your class with your modid, remove the annotation from your field and make the field’s name match the path of the objects registry name.
  2. What are you trying to achieve, from a player’s perspective?
  3. What are you trying to do, from a players perspective?
  4. I would check what happens in vanilla when an item is added to the inventory in creative
  5. In creative mode the client dictates the inventory so you should just be able to use normal "add item stack to inventory" code to accomplish what you want.
  6. What are you trying to do, from a player's perspective?
  7. You shouldn't use static initialisers. This is pretty disgusting, you should create your objects inside the registerAll call. You also shouldn't have an array of references to your objects as these references will not get changed when a registry override happens. Use @Override. Please You've both copied AND extended BlockDoor. Therefore you have 2 properties called HINGE - one from your class and one from BlockDoor. You're adding your hinge property to the BlockStateContainer in createBlockState. The vanilla code then tries to use the vanilla hinge property (which doesn't exist on your block) resulting in the crash.
  8. Your TestDoor does not extend BlockDoor but you declare your field as though you expect it to.
  9. I recommend against making your own texture map. Also, baked models I’ve always point into the block texture map, you would have to stitch your own texture map into the block texture map. I think that the best thing to do is to make the json files. Also, metadata (blockstate files) should be kept separate from data (model files).
  10. You need to render your stats with a lower z-index. This can be achieved with GLStateManager.pushMatrix(), GLStateManager.scale(0, 0, -zOffset) and GLStateManager.popMatrix(). Play around in debug mode to find the right value for zOffset.
  11. In addition to gradlew eclipse you also need to run gradlew genEclipseRuns.
  12. All this just sounds like a lot of lag. Can you please post your log?
  13. I would have a field on my entity that would store the time since it was last hit, set it to 0 in that method and increment it each tick. do NOT do this.
  14. No. You're now creating it in your main mod class which will crash on the server. You're problem is caused by something being null on the first line of PlayerRenderer#doRender. You are also calling PlayerRenderer#doRender from inside your replacement renderer, which will probably result in a StackOverflow. Please post your NewRenderer class.
  15. Change your profile settings in the launcher and tell Minecraft to use your updated Java rather than the outdated version that it ships with.
  16. Do not use GL11 directly. Use GLStateManager. For half size you want GLStateManager.scale(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
  17. You can mark it as solved by editing the original post & prefixing the title with “[SOLVED] “
  18. It will probably say in the documentation, but you can also just look at the places where the event is created
  19. Don’t run it this way. Did you run the gradlew genEclipseRuns task? What do you mean by “there is no option to run it”?
  20. You're modding a game. Seeing the game's code so you can figure out how the game works and how you can modify it seems like a bit of a necessity to me.
  21. The eclipse gradle task does pretty much everything that the old setupDecompWorkspace task did. I'd guess that you can run that and it will do the setup. I'm not sure how you'd deal with viewing the vanilla code though. I suggest using IntelliJ instead of VS.
  22. Try deleting your configs from .minecraft/config/
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