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Everything posted by Cadiboo

  1. This stuff changed in 1.13.2
  2. What is the error?
  3. Are your textures in “block” or “blocks”?
  4. Compatibility, maintainability etc. A dummy entity is pretty much already supported by all mods and this approach is very unlikely to need major changes each minecraft update.
  5. All of it, please upload it using a service such as Pastebin or GitHub Gist
  6. Please post your logs as described in my signature and the EAQ
  7. Please post your logs as described in my signature and the EAQ
  8. You could probably just do the render call yourself in one of forges render events. Looking at why the player isn’t rendering (where the code is that disables it) would be a good start to deciding where to do the render call from. Personally I don’t think that Pixelmon is a good source, I would look at the vanilla code to understand what is going on, then at the pixelmon code to see what they do and then I would write my own implementation.
  9. It means “instance field/method”
  10. Minecraft#setRenderViewEntity does what you want, the entity doesn’t have to be registered. I know you said you didn’t want a dummy entity but this is the best solution.
  11. What would your feature look like from an end-user perspective? There are multiple ways of doing stuff like this
  12. https://github.com/Cadiboo/WIPTech/blob/WIPTechAlpha/src/main/java/cadiboo/wiptech/client/model/ModelsCache.java https://github.com/Cadiboo/WIPTech/blob/fb5883e9d76ef0361ec1ebbcb9c508611dd2ef6b/src/main/java/cadiboo/wiptech/client/ClientEventSubscriber.java#L189
  13. 1) post the whole log 2) don’t use an object base class 3) don’t use an object base class 4) don’t create your objects in your mods constructor. Use the registry events That SRG name is correct, there is no reason for it to fail unless you’re trying to run a production version of your mod in a development environment (remapping dependencies in 1.13.2 is not implemented yet). You should not put stuff that isn’t related to ASM in a package called core, this is just a convention but it’s important because it makes debugging crashes a lot more straightforward.
  14. This approach involves baking the model and registering neccesary textures
  15. The profiles in the minecraft launcher
  16. Set the game settings smooth lighting to smooth
  17. You should talk to OptiFine’s creator (sp614x) or look the OptiFine docs, but probably need to use the registry name of the block so matchblock=modid:blockname
  18. If you need static references to your objects use @ObjectHolder. If you need access to an object more than once in your registry method use a local variable
  19. A capability is pretty much the same as an interface. Instead of if (object instanceof Interface) you use object.hasCapability(Capability) and instead of ((Interface)object).doStuff() you use object.getCapability(Capability).doStuff()
  20. On Mac it’s pretty much the same as windows. locate your Minecraft folder and then locate your versions folder. Then you must press the 1.14 version you are wanting to use (as of now it is 1.14 pre-1) and open that folder. Then right click the jar file and open it with Archive Utility or whatever it’s called. Once opened, you then copy (command+c) the "assets" file and paste it into a folder where you want to edit the files (command+v). Alternatively, you can just drag the files into whatever folder you want (though does not always work). Yes I just copied and tweaked Billy Playz’ explanation because it’s pretty good
  21. Just register all your renderers in the model registry event
  22. 1. Override doesSideBlockRendering 2. Have ambientOcclusion be true in your model
  23. You need to select something to launch your first time
  24. And the error?
  25. You can look at vanilla and open source mods. You’re not likely to find any tutorials though
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