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Everything posted by Cadiboo

  1. Are you sure that Proxy#preInit is called (hint: it’s not)
  2. Isolate the error, place breakpoints, find the cause and solve it
  3. I reckon go for 1.13.2 because so much Forge stuff changed so updating from 1.12.2 would be a pain. Other than that, tutorials for 1.12.2 (and below) should work fine non-super-basic stuff (like your main mod class or Proxies, this stuff changed massively in 1.13.2). For 1.13.2 tutorials please see
  4. IIRC the mod has broken DataManager syncing which is the cause of this and breaks other mods too.
  5. Does the forge version appear in the available versions for a launcher profile? (You need to restart the launcher IIRC)
  6. if (ray.getBlockPos().equals(te.getPos()) || ray.getBlockPos().equals(te.getPos().up())) { Any one of these variables could be null.
  7. Just... everything. You’ve got tons of useless and unnecessary code, your packaging is pretty bad etc. You’re also calling OBJLoader#addDomain every time you register a model (I’m pretty sure it needs to be called before models are registered anyway). Please post your logs
  8. Don’t use this constructor, use the constructor that takes in your modid and the path as separate parameters. I’m not sure that this is the correct way to open a mod GUI in 1.13.2.
  9. Post your code and the crash. You probably want to extend the base log and leaves classes rather than the vanilla ones that have the variants hardcoded
  10. I would look at the potion item class to see how it applies it’s effect to the player
  11. What tutorial(s) did you follow when setting up your mod? Pretty much everything in it is completely broken.
  12. This is not the issue. If “runClient” works then that means that there is nothing wrong with Forge. It’s also a stupid workaround that prevents you from debugging your code. What IDE are you using? Did you follow the proper setup instructions for it?
  13. I would look at the vanilla code, see how the generation is registered and then remove/replace the vanilla gen with my own. This could get pretty advanced and deal with Reflection, so I recommend that you make a basic mod that adds a few blocks & items and some simple world gen before you try and modify the vanilla world gen
  14. This thread is 6 years old. Create your own thread.
  15. There are no limitations on the collisions, but for AI pathing to work, you need to have 2 separate blocks.
  16. A PooledMutableBlockPos is a BlockPos that is Mutable (can be changed/moved) and Pooled. Retain gets a PooledMutableBlockPos from the pool for you and close (called automatically by the try-with-resources block in the same way as in a try-finally block) releases the PooledMutableBlockPos you got from retain back into the pool. So instead of creating 16x16x255 (65,280) new BlockPos objects you only create maximum 1 new object (the PooledMutableBlockPos is likely to have already been created and added to the pool). Doing this avoids the cost of initialising all those objects (this cost is pretty small, but still deserves mentioning), avoids using up 786,432 bytes of ram (each block pos contains 3 integers and each integer is 4 bytes of ram) for each chunk and it avoids the cost of destroying (garbage collecting) all those objects. This may not seem large, but remember that all this is being run for each chunk, and that any reduction in load time counts in big modpacks.
  17. Use debug or nothing pls (log spam & logging stuff slows down loading times) Please use a MutableBlockPos or a PooledMutableBlockPos. protip: PooledMutableBlockPos implements AutoClosable so it can be used in try-with-resources (AKA automatic resource management) blocks Example: try (PooledMutableBlockPos pos = PooledMutableBlockPos.retain()) { //loop pos.setPos(x, y, z); //do stuff with pos }
  18. I’ve never messed with sounds really, but in a mod I work on we reference them with @ObjectHolder here (_null() is a method that returns null but annotated with @Nonnull to get rid of counter productive IDE warnings), register them here, have the sounds json here and use them here. AFAIK this works but I play with sound off so I’m not 100% certain
  19. Please post your log and code
  20. AFAIK nothing has changed since 1.12.2.
  21. MCJty has some tutorials, but they’re mostly for updating to 1.13.2. https://github.com/McJty/YouTubeModdingTutorial/tree/1.13/ I’m also doing tutorials aimed at absolute beginners at https://cadiboo.github.io/tutorials/1.13.2/forge/ but I haven’t finished them yet.
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