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Everything posted by poopoodice

  1. An instance of your capability
  2. In official forge discord channel support 116 pinned msg:
  3. I think you will need to register some essential attributes like health.. etc.
  4. The problem is that will remove the fire effect even if the effect is not caused by the sunlight. The purpose of this event is to allow user to modify the duration of the effect caused by the sunlight, and not to remove it as the source of the fire can be lava, enchantments, flint and steel...etc. And if like you said if you check it in the LivingUpdateEvent, and manually put out the fire if the entity is in daylight, they can literally swim in lava, or walk on fire without getting burned, which is not desired. Thanks for the reply.
  5. You can send data from client (in this case screen), to the server (container/tileentity) using packets. And no, please read what he said again:
  6. Have you save and read the information you've stored in the tileentity using write() and read()?
  7. Hello! As title, I have an idea about "EntityBurnBySunlightEvent", which is triggered when entities like zombies, skeletons, and phantoms tries to burn under sunlight. I also noticed they are hard coded into each of their own livingTick() which means if the event is added, I will either trigger the event in every entity class that burns, or add a method in LivingEntity (since not every entity that burns are MonsterEntity). For example: public void setBurnBySunlight(int ticks) { ticks = ...EntityBurnBySunlightEvent(this, ticks); this.setFire(ticks); } call this, instead of directly call setFire() in their livingTick() The EntityBurnBySunlightEvent will have two parameters: (LivingEntity) and (Ticks to burn), and will be located in net.minecraftforge.event.entity.living.LivingEvent The user can modify the ticks that the entity given is going to burn, which allows the user to set it to 0 in order to prevent the burning of entity from happening. This will be helpful for people that wants to cancel the burn update from the sunlight, by not affecting the burn effect from other sources. Any suggestions for this? Thanks
  8. LARGE_CRYSTAL.get() to get the block from the registry object.
  9. I think they should be registered in common setup.
  10. It's better for you to have a repository, as it is good for your code management and all other people can view your code without downloading them.
  11. RegisterCommandsEvent
  12. Please have some research(google or on this forum), there are tonnes of results that have exact same problem with you.
  13. Repo -> repository (can be online hosted by websites like github, bitbucket...etc) I'm basically asking you to provide all your code and assets.
  14. Are you sure the registry name of the item and the recipe are the same, or are there any errors shown in the log during loading the recipes? If not a repo is really helpful for others to find the problem for you.
  15. Item.Properties.food() All you want are in Items.java
  16. You can get vanilla items directly from Items, instead of using numeric ids (which shouldn't be used).
  17. It gives you the blockpos so you can access the tileentity in the world.
  18. LootContext.Builder.get(lootparam)
  19. For me both of your pastes are empty.
  20. The FIFTH parameter takes an int, and isn't this solved from your last post?
  21. Maybe it is called when press/release?
  22. It is required when no variable is created (WOOD).
  23. As a reference.
  24. Override renderButton in the button and render it yourself. to add the button to the screen use addButton()
  25. We don't know what are and where these came from: but apparently, handStack.shrink(1); makes whatever this itemstack came from count - 1
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